Monday, August 1, 2022

Success journal 569: Connected with friends and also jayden great-aunt weekend

Had a long weekend. It was good as we got more team members to cover the job now. 

Saturday was a transition for the weekend. I got jade seng to cover the site duty. 

In the morning we had breakfast together with my boy, then we played some piano together. After that, we sent Jayden to a Piano lesson in United square. Jenny and I went for a quick lunch in Shanghai Tang; we ordered xiao long bao and sheng Jian bao. 

After our quick lunch, we then went to fetch Jayden. Took away some chicken rice for him to bring home. Upon reaching home, we went for a quick swim in the pool. It was so relaxing. Jacob joined the fun. After our quick swim, we then took a nap. After my nap, I then pack my badminton stuff and left home for Joo Chiat cc. I went for badminton in Joo Chiat around 1630hrs. They are chai and friends. I only know William. He seems very friendly and pleasant. 

Ended the session around 1830hrs and left home. Reached home around 2000hrs. We had chicken Karage for dinner. 

After our meal, I just hung around and slept. 

Sunday morning, we had pancakes for breakfast. I went to church and donated $50. The message is about money which I find boring apart from the spent 15m per year on their expenses. 

I then walked to Teresa lam place, as the kids had a playdate together. I made a video about them here 

It was fun to spend time together with the kids. The place is fantastic. Love it. 

After our playdate with Teresa and Emily, we quickly changed and took a bus to the orchard. We were on time, found a place and had our lunch with grand-aunt Michelle. 

We walked for a few hours in Orchard, and everyone was exhausted. Had some tea and cake in Dal Kom and we went back home. 

Had steamboat for dinner and called it a day.

My weight is 87.3kg

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