Sunday, March 19, 2023

Success journal 679: Recharged weekend

It was a good weekend, spending quality time with the family and doing things together.

After my date lunch with Jenny in the afternoon, We did some outdoor activities with the family; we brought Jayden and Jacob to Kallang stadium for the outdoor water park. We all had good fun. 

After our water park session, we went for dinner in the mall; we had food in a halal food court. 

Jenny and Jayden went to Rugby. While I went to Church. Sally immediately offered to take care of Jacob until 10 am. 

Jacob had constipation. He has been crying in the morning. 

As usual, Jenny dropped me off at balmoral plaza, and I had my usual coffee fix before church. Today's session is about generosity. After my church, I did walk back home, took a shower and spent some time with the family. Jenny cooked lunch, dumpling, and some left over. 

We took an early afternoon nap as Jayden had BJJ at 1430hrs. 

I sent Jayden to a BJJ session and returned home to spend time with Jenny; we argued about washing dishes quietly while Jacob was still asleep. Jenny ended throwing her gloves on the floor and I ended up shutting myself in a room. 

As Jacob woke up, we brought him to fetch his brother from the BJJ session; we then had a pizza and snacks together as a family in the proofer. Someone wanted to buy Jenny xr and offered $280. 

We sold the phone around 1630hrs, and we went home. 

Had an early dinner, and Jenny cooked spaghetti while I took care of the kids. We watched the national geographic channel together. We learn about sharks 
After our dinner, I did the washing dishes and we then played uno. It was fun, and I won the most rounds. 

After our Uno game, Jenny and I went for a walk and reconciliation. It was an essential routine for us to connect and hear ourselves out. We walked until chancery lane and back. It was a good one. Had a good rest after and am ready for the next week. 

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