Friday, February 7, 2025

Success journal 1090: a night with my kids

Sometimes, doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing 

Learn from action and decide where and when to not do anything. 

This principle applies to life and investing. 

I sold SATS at $3.9 because I felt they were overvalued. Now, it has dropped back to $3.4. grateful that I decided to sell all my positions in SATS. 

I am grateful that I can manage a 6-digit fund and have the balls to invest in 6 6-digit funds in a volatile market. Including crypto lol. Focusing on growing 

I spent some time chit-chatting with Big J, my eldest son, yesterday in Thomson playground; I brought them out so they could spend some time with me and also, at the same time, to relax a bit with them. I didn't have many opportunities to spend time with my kids like that. We talked about how I grew up, what he learned in school, etc. 

He has grown quite a bit and scored full marks for his 听写 yesterday; proud, Dad. FULL MARKS FOR HIS CHINESE. PROUD DAD LOL. 

We also get to pet syder dog in Thomson playground, which looks like a mixed breed of husky. 

We then went to cold storage to get some stuff, and JJ played on the train. 

I promised Jayden ice cream, so I redeemed one free sundae from McDonalds. 

After our ice cream, we went home, and Big J played the piano for 10 minutes while I made milk for JJ to sleep. I tucked JJ into sleep with a short story. He is adorable. 

I am grateful for moments like this and will cherish them ❤️ 

I have to sort out their insurance matters 

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