Saturday, June 14, 2008

Snow In Ur Heart

I went for a Performance (Snow in Your Heart) in UMS, The ticket cost me rm30 for that performance, i keep on thinking how many kon lou mee i can eat with that rm30.. And i tot the performer was from overseas which i end up very disppointed at 1st,but The choreographer is some one i heard before,my brother's dancing teacher and also known as one of the best choreographer in Sabah( Claimed by the emcee yesterday night),
his is liew wei yik (Correct me if i am wrong)..He also choreographed some of TTSS sport's meet group dance..which i am always proud of it..

I was abit disappointed with his solo performance, but overall the dance that he choreographed are not too bad.. and i did really enjoy that evening!! Especially when there are some cute chubby children.. which is just about 7 to 10 years old performing.. I could imagine that standing on stage, in front of the crowd, is not as easy as it looks..For me, i would have end up shacking on the stage for the whole time.. haha..
I could see being a dancer and choreographer is not an easy task, it took them a lot of effort, just to perform on stage for a few minutes...

I admired people who could do thing they like, instead of walking on the path that was taken by most of the people nowadays.This reminds me of "Road not taken" by Robert Frost..

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

All the best to those who took the path that was less taken...


  1. Ah.. I kinda like d poem.
    A constant reminder of how life truly is~

  2. Anonymous12:43

    Trying to be different is good. But begging to differ to be someone you are not is unnecessary. Stupid indeed...

  3. Anonymous19:24

    Robert frost la liak.

    Oh fuck there's Amos, hey Shannon and I have been looking for you.

  4. Hey,, I know u guys all miss kk food.. Come back earlier for that then.. haha
    Amos, adrian.. when are u guys coming abck??
