Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chap goh meh, had dinner with chai ann & ting ting. 
sorry for the overly FISHSAUCED chicken i marinated. poor ann & ting, to be my experimental subject. haha.. they are the best food critics i could get, Although sometimes its abit harsh but anyway, thanks for eating.haha!
I dunno when, i have lost my talent in cooking. Probably because dorothy is pretty good in cooking(ex-housemate in Semenyih will know it quite well), to compensate my talent in cooking and to match up with her cooking, i picked up dishwashing instead, so washing up is my forte now. :) 
I miss baking pizza, i miss the time while i am the cook of the day, and cheered people up with my fulfilling pizza, which the crust could hardly hold the heavily loaded topppings.
But too bad, here in nottingham.. we could get a pizza in less than £2, its the easiest food we could get.
should have learnt roti canai or kap piang!
browsing for travel deals lately, planning for a summer trip, places in Europe are just too romantic to travel without a her, will save those romantic places(Paris, Switzerland,) next time... (If i could :) )


  1. I am not a good cook,but just it is just heritage from my dad to eat nice food..i would take challenge in presenting nice food...that's is not that hard as u think, get recipe on website and follow the instruction..u will need to add in your personal feeling and love, then u will be able to present nice dishes..try urself at home and adjust it by ur taste and wills...i am pretty sure you can cook nice food as well...Your western style food are nicer than ur chinese dishes...u are just talented in those field..dont just praise others and kill your talents..anyway, try out more new time i could dont wanna to eat spagetti again o...

  2. cook, i miss those days where i cook almost everyday with ann and ting hands hasnt been on the wok and pan for like centuries ald....

  3. I am sure ting ting & ann will be very happy to have u with them..

  4. To be frank, i miss Tien's Lemon Chicken lo.. ~~yummy~~
    Jason, you're not that good at washing dishes lo.. :p
    Anyway, thanks for your chicken! It was not too bad after least, it was much better than the lamb... haha!!

  5. was that my fish sauce that you all used for the chicken? and did you use the same amount as you used for the vege last time? lol never learn ar!!
    have fun in europe!!! see my travel books that i dump to chai ann wahahahhaa

  6. Chai ann, thx you a, i will take it as a compliment.. I am sure 1 day my lamb will be nice!
    Ning, that is the most detail travel book i have ever seen...
    And half of the pages are food related...
    and yes, it is the fish sauce! hahahhaa
