Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Post Chinese New Year Week

Highlights of the week:- 

  1. Ken found a new place in Sengkang, he will be staying close to Chai Ann & Serene. I sincerely hope him all the best in his pursue of his career in Singapore. 
  2. Pet ranger's interim business proposal presentation with AGF- Hard work, but amazingly fun. 
  3. Authority visit to my work site, very time consuming.
  4. Catch up with Caren in Marche Somerset. Drank 1.5 pint and got abit tipsy. :)
  5. Celebrated Ken's birthday with Anthony in Bliss Restaurant in AMK. It wasn't a proper one as we were busy with our preparation of our presentation. 
  6. Started to use google hangout for the 1st time. This is to try out if we could manage to catch up virtually.
  7. Met Cary & Yuyen in their apartment near Novena. A nice catch up session with Yuyen and Cary. A lovely couple. Looking forward to see them soon. 
  8. Met Amos in Coffee club near H&M in Somerset. It was a short catch up session with Amos, but wasn't too bad. 
  9. Sold my first options. it is part of the learning experience. 

As for coming week, I guess I deserve a more relaxing week. I guess some boring books would be good enough to clear my head off. x

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