Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My great supportive network

I am lucky to have 3 groups of supportive network, from mentors, peers family and friends from my great depression period in my last year in UK and I would like to record it down just to remind how lucky I am .


Sharon and George Lim ( Chartered Accountant - My relatives)

They are my relatives who supported me during my days when I couldn't get a proper job. Thanks to them, I am able to stay for additional one year in UK to at least try to search for jobs and attend interview. At least, I have got no regrets trying out as hard as I could during that period of time.
George, specifically taught me about people management skills, basic accounting, badminton, blackjack and some business management skills. On top of that, He has been a great role model to me on how to take care of a family, raise kids, take care of friends and relatives.

Despite George's tight schedule, running a few restaurants, accountant, semi-professional gambler, badminton session organiser and also my main host, I must admit he is juggling all his roles professionally. I always tell myself that one day, I wanted to be someone like him.

Cayden Chang and Sean Seah (Value Investing Coach) 

I met Cayden and Sean in December 2012, they are my mentors for Value Investing Academy which I had learned quite a fair bit about stocks this year. They helped me in my investing knowledge which I would probably need a few years to learn. While we were attending this course, we had forged a strong bond amongst our peers about investment, time management, goal setting and helping each other to grow together. The experience I have had during the course is amazing.

Ian Tay  (Founder of Pixaroll) 

One of my best mentors while I am working on pet rangers, I got a lot of help from him regarding people management, presentation, time management and how to be determination. He had personally contributed a lot of his precious time with pet ranger team during our pitch in Hackathon weekend. I guess, he is someone who I would be very grateful to have, I still remember how he helped us in our business value proposition and motivated the whole team while we were in that period of time.


Bona, (Friend) 
I guess bona, Anthony's sister is the first person who started to motivate me personally, She has been supporting me all the time while I am studying in the first two years of my university in Semenyih. She encouraged me to play badminton, she taught me how to think more, helped me in my studies and also my social skills. She is the root of my part of personal development. I must give her all the credit.

She has the same trend as George, my other mentor while I am in UK, they talked about ideas most of the time. Both of them are very observant. Of course, on top of that, she is damn smart! She really added value to my life.
Kim Lim (cousin)

Kim is my cute younger cousin, I spent most of my free time while I am in Sutton, London talking to her. Somehow, chatting with someone that is so much younger than I am, I felt that we were growing up together. We discussed about everything.  From our conversation, I had a lot of fun, we some


Anthony (Friend)

Anthony is my secondary mates although we were in the same primary school, we got close only where we were in secondary school TTSS. It was when we started to play games together, from CS to Ragnarok Online. We built our relationship through having fun. Until today, both of us still talked about creatures that we had killed together. We really enjoy the moment spent together as a team. We were so clicked in all manners.

CCY (Friend)

This is a guy where I grow my financial mindset with him. He is the the 2nd runner up in a stock competition while we were doing the competition together. He is a genius when it comes to stock and money.
He brought me to Value investing, property and supported me during the pet ranger thing.

Chai Ann and Serene 

They are like my travel and life buddies, I shared almost about everything with them. I guess, they were the closest friends I have got in life. It is fun growing up with them together. We play, have fun, work hard and joke around quite a lot. We also discussed about life matters and things we need to do so that our life is smoother.


The most important group of all, they believe and supported me.

Having a supportive group of people around me is important. They keep me on track on things that I want to do and to achieve.

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