Monday, October 21, 2013

Small little things I have learned this month

Things I have learned recently during my last month:

  1. Listen- People speak what is in their mind, of course. Actively listening is important too. There are so many things that we could see and learn while conversing with people. Put more attention into it and absorb. 
  2. Weekly Goal-This would make you think and grow and actively work towards your goal. Say for example, there are a few things I would like to achieve this month. and also list down things that I have done for the past week. E.g. Going to the gym 4 times a week, 3 percent return from my assets, travelled to KL to meet friends and Eason's concert. Briefly to highlight things to do this coming week: attend property meetings/seminar, and to go Guang Zhou for canton fair 2013. Hopefully everything would go smoothly or better than that.
  3. Focus, I am currently focusing on my stocks/shares investment and research at the moment. Starting everything from scratch will definitely do take a bit of time. But so far, I am experiencing the accomplishment of my investment and research I have done and I expect great things to happen.
  4. Think - I need to think more in order for me to be more positive and to make this a better world to live in. I am superior human being with greater understanding.  Imagine getting better and better, I am not just bringing myself but also people around myself to a higher plateau in their health, career and also wealth. I must learn  a model that is duplicable. 
  5. Journal-It is important to keep a journal, e.g. gym session, food I have eaten, People I have met, Interesting things I have done, Places I have been, Things I have learned, Positions I have tried ( I am talking about my investment position, when to do entry and when to exit, what are you guys thinking? :) )
  6. System- For my learning model, my investment strategy, my time management and also my people management. All these, would require a system/model in order for myself to run efficiently. e.g. to floss before you brush your teeth or vice versa? It will lead to a better life in the long run with a proper system in place. 

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