Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Trip to Osaka & Kyoto with Miss J

It was a short trip immediately after Chinese new year, this trip is to synchronise our thoughts and experience and get to know more about each other. Especially when it comes to making decisions, encounter problems, budgeting, planning and having fun together.

I must say, it is a very important trip for myself to know more about myself, and also my partner.

In the trip, I learned more about how to deal with crisis, our strengths and also our weaknesses.

We also discussed about ideas, business plan, action plans for our future. It was indeed a fruitful trip for me.

On top of that, I also managed to experience a very different lifestyle of Japanese and was very impressed with how their culture is. It was mind-blowing. Their mindsets are definitely a few decades ahead of me and it is a pleasure to be able to experience all these with miss J together. We are able to synchronise our thoughts together.

On our plane back to Singapore, we were stuck in our transit and also miss our flights, despite feeling fatigue after 5 hours flight from Kansai to Kuala Lumpur, we still have to run around in the airport, to get a boarding pass and also to board on the plane which is at the other end of the airport. We were definitely the last few passengers to board the Air plane.

We have also eaten quite a lot of extraordinary food in Japan, experience things we seldom even see in Singapore. It was lovely trip indeed.

Looking forward for our next adventure together.

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