Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September goal setting and review

I need a system to be more organised in my monthly posting. To track my goals and things I have done. This will be the format below. 
  1. Health
    1. Diet
      1. Eat less carbohydrates, no more soda, half the portion during dinner. 
      2. No more food after 8pm
      3. Less sugary drink and food.
    2. Exercise
      1. Going to badminton session with serene this coming 21/9/2014.
    3. To go gym
      1. Pack my gym wear and trainers to work at least twice a week
  2. Myself
    1. Apply PR
    2. Apply driving license
    3. To be more focus and organised
    4. To settle my Singpass by end of September
    5. Book a date with MOM for my PR application by End of September 2014.
    6. To be more organised
      1. To write things down
      2. To have schedule and goals
      3. Don't procrastinate
      4. Label your storage area, sort all the storage area
      5. De-clutter regularly
      6. Keep only what I need
      7. Delegate responsibilities
      8. Work Hard
    7. To read at least one book a month
      1. Book of the month- 7 habits of highly
  3. Finance
    1. Invest in technology companies- Dig into Baidu, Alibaba and Google
    2. Property investment in US. Check three areas mentioned in the magazine
    3. To monitor property in Sabah. Contact more sales person
    4. To keep track of my credit card bills. 
  4. Career
    1. Ended spiting art project
    2. To search for more jobs
    3. To have 5 minutes for planning work
    4. Write down to do list for everyday
  5. Relationship
    1. Wedding plan
      1. Start searching for the engagement ring, got contact from Angela, will contact him by end of September
      2. Research into photo shoot session by end of September
      3. Prepare a budget sheet for wedding by end of September
      4. Jenny will be looking into the wedding cost in Hong Kong while I will look into the one in KK
      5. To search for a photo shoot session in KK. Photographer in KK. 
      6. Search for areas suitable or common for couples for photo shooting.
      7. Understand more about travelling and also photo shooting. 
    2. To spend quality time together.
    3. To set a common goal with Jenny.
  6. Family
    1. Visit home in Mid October.
    2. Spent more time with family
    3. Call parents at least once a week
    4. To discuss more about moving to somewhere else. So far we got Singapore, Australia and Canada.
  7. Business
    1. To study airbnb. Spend two hours a week
    2. To search for Dell laptop at around $249 by end of October
    3. To update website and promote website
    4. To search for property in US from realty trac.com
  8. Travel
    1. Going to Bangkok 1st week of October 2014.
    2. To prepare an itinerary for my Trip to US. list down all the goods and bad stuff happened during the trip, and create a system for travelling in the future. From packing, things to bring, places to go, sheets to have, apps to have before the trip, during and after the trip. I need a system to be organised accordingly. 
    3. To be more creative
    4. To travel to Philippines by 2016
    5. To move away from my comfort zone.

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