Tuesday, August 25, 2015

23/8 Sunday Night

Last Sunday, Jenny cooked my favourite soup, cleaned the toilet and room, bought all the groceries, did my laundry, iron all my shirts and prepared dinner for me.I came back home, although exhausted but feeling good. Life is so good. I felt so pampered.

After our meals around 8pm, we took a walk around the neighbourhood to motivate both of us to work together as a team towards our financial goals which is to own a Ferrari.

One day we will be driving our Ferrari around the neighbourhood.

It will take a lot of effort, but it is definitely achievable.

After our walk, we were both relaxed and chilled for the rest of our night. We discussed about people we met recently, things that happened around us.

We grow together as a couple and went through all the storms together.

just the two of us spending quality time together.

This is how a Sunday should like. Simple and sweet,

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hong Kong Trip August 2015.

Finally I am back to Singapore, today is my first day at work which happens to be on night shift. As part of the policy, we have to do night shift when I am taking my holiday.

So my trip to Hong Kong started from the moment I left my office 2 hours earlier and was spotted by LTA officer. However, He let me go as he knew that I am on my way to catch a plane. 

2nd item to note is that Cathay upgraded to Business class for my flight to Hong Kong... Although I wasn't allowed to use the lounge as mine was upgraded for free but the overall early check in and check out, the meal, space, seat and services all exceeded my expectation! It was truly a comfy journey to Hong Kong. 

DAY 1 (7/8/2014) Friday
One my first day arriving Hong Kong, Jenny was waiting for me at HKIA, after I met her at arrival, we went to collect some souvenirs from Hong Kong and had some roasted meat for lunch/dinner. We then took bus from Airport to Tsim Sha Tsui which is where we will be living this time round. It was on an refurbished building along Lock Road, called BBB Inn. 

After checking in, I took a short nap and we then went to the marriage registration office and checked with a lady regarding our booking for our registration in Hong Kong. After checking with them, we noticed that Jenny will have to fly in roughly on the 30/9 to submit all the documents in order to confirm our registration date on 30/12/2015. 

We then went to 1881, a beautiful place where a lot of couple would take photos in and also the walk of fame along the jetty. To get a feel how it would be like on the actual day of our registration. 

After traveling around, we then went to Fu Lum to have dinner with Jenny's family and her grandmother. 

DAY 2 (8/8/2015)Saturday
We went for a quick breakfast at a Cha Chan Teng opposite our stay, and took taxi to Tsuen Wan to meet up with Jenny's mum and went to a temple together. After the temple, we went to grab a sip at a nearby restaurant and took a bus back to city to meet Jenny's big brother. 

we had a meal together, and he got me some fish balls from the stall next door. Generally he is a very pleasant person. We discussed about university fees in Australia as his son is going to NSW in Sydney soon. 

After meeting jenny's brother, we then went for a high tea at Habitu at Causeway bay. We had hot chocolate and pear fondant. We also went to a famous book store on the same floor. Jenny bought me a book called how to be interesting. 

After buying a book, we then took the MTR to IFC and looked for the make up artist studio. When we were there, the make up artist is a very slim lady wearing a white t-shirt in her 30s. She looked generally weak and gentle but her price for a make up session is about HKD 3k. She helped jenny with about 2 combinations of make up but Jenny didn't really liked it. She decided to go with a lady which she had done a trial with previously called Eva and cost a lot cheaper. 

After our make up session, we went to meet Edith and Desmond at white button. They treated us the meal and we went for a brief walk along the walk of fame. Our gathering with them ends prematurely as they went off before we managed to reach the walk of fame. I remember we had supper together that night. SINFUL! 

DAY 3 (9/8/2015) Sunday
We went shopping at Giordano nearby, and then went to Fu Lum to have breakfast with Jenny's Uncle, Jenny's mum and also her grandmother.
At night, we went to Tsuen Wan to have dinner with jenny's UK Uncle and also 5th uncle ( Dad Side). We bought some biscuit from M&S. We went to play mario kart as well which is opposite the restaurant.
We learned about properties, Malaysia Politics, Singapore politics etc that night. It was rather an interesting gathering. 

Day 4 (10/8/2015) Monday
We went shopping for along Nathan Road to buy stuff for our marriage 
We went for high tea together with Jenny's Mum and sister at Ritz-Carlton, Cafe 103.
We had dinner with jenny's University 's friends at Tsuen Wan. Her friend Simon, owns a Thai Restaurant and organised a gathering with all the uni mates there. We met, Simon, his wife, Avis, Eric,Queenie, Sony,Stella, Vincent, and Vinky. Altogether 10 including two of us. We celebrated Stella's birthday. It was quite a good short gathering. 

Day 5 ( 11/8/2015) Tuesday
We had breakfast together with Jenny's Mum at Fortune estate Tai Ga Lok. After our breakfast, we dropped by at Jenny's grandmother place. 
We went to buy gold, jewelry for Jenny at TSL. Some Guo Tai Lai stuff.
After shop around, we went to the famous polo bun shop at Mong Kok to have our lunch.
We went back our hostel to collect our luggage and head to Tsing Yi to fetch Ching Ching from school. 
We had dinner with jenny's Family at Tsing Yi.. After our meal at about 0630, we bid farewell to Jenny's family and took the airport express to Airport. We boarded the plane separately. I took Cathay while Jenny took UA.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hong Kong pre departure post. Emo post.

I have been emotional for the past few days, probably because I have been working continuously for the past 17 days without rest. On top of that, there was one day which I worked for 24 hours shift without rest.

Work life here is not easy, been chatting with friends and family and majority of them think that I overworked. 

Ok, let's put the long hour aside, I just caught up with friends like Anthony and Calvin tsen. Both are my secondary school mates, game mates. When we are together, we seems act like a bunch of kids. We discussed a lot about personal stuff, work and sometimes relationship. 

Anthony had totally transformed him self since he joined BWW, I guess Anna had passed a lot of knowledge and experience to him. With great mentor, one could learn a lot of life lesson. Which encouraged me to look for my mentor as well. I hope together we can learn and grow together. During the catch up session, We also discussed about Foh going back to KK recently. How life would be for her and how brave she was with her decision. It is definitely not easy to just go back like that. She told us that it is because of her aging parents that she felt that she would want to spend more time with them. Although she also said that her parents seems to want her leave the house as soon as possible which is to get a suitable guy and get married soon. Anyway, all the best to her!

I found that many people are leaving Singapore soon as they found Singapore pace is slightly too fast for them and may not be ideal to stay here for long. Which to a certain extent I agree.  It also makes me wonder what do I want from Singapore? Why do I want to stay in Singapore? Maybe I should list down some of the pros and cons why i would want to stay here in Singapore instead of going somewhere else. 

I have applied for PR in April, and now is already August, anytime soon, I will become a Singapore PR! Which somehow I am not totally into or looking forward to it. It seems like everyone is doing it in order to secure a better job or just to have a better options considering staying here in Singapore. 

I am flying soon to Hong Kong. Somehow, this trip signify a huge meaning to me now. Hong Kong is no longer a travel destination for me. It has transformed to a place where my future in-laws will be there. Travelling there to meet families and relatives will be a different kind settings. Jenny had been very sincere and thoughtful in arranging families and friends meetings. 
There are a lot of decisions, challenging conversation that need to be made this coming few months. Every single words that came out from my mouth will be repeated and will definitely be judged. I understand that I will not be able to please everybody during this period of time. 

Jenny has been away for almost a week now, Life has been very dry and boring. Although I do met up with Joann, Aik Pin, Michelle, Teo, Anthony and Calvin for the past week, but I do feel empty every time after the dinner or meetings. Is like the world just fly in a blink of an eye, good times can be transformed into bad times easily. Nothing last forever!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

June and July 2015 Wrap Up.

June and July have been two very interesting months for me. I proposed to Jenny on 29th of June 2015, went to New Zealand with my mum. 
  1. Health ( My Goal is to drop to 76kg, 21% Fat by End of August)
    1. I have stopped going to gym after 27/5/2015, ever since I am not training with Domz, I have difficulties arranging session with my new trainer called Pradeep. 
    2. Changed part of my diet, took more protein. less fat and more vegetables and fruits. 
    3. I increased my push up to 50 times in the morning. Sometimes, I do 75 times. It is necessary to tear the muscle in order to obtain muscle. 
    4. My weight now is about 80.6kg, BMI 28.2, Body fat 22.8%. My waist has dropped from 102cm to 95cm now. 
  1. Myself (To be a better & successful man)
    1. Australia is out now of my list now. 
    2. I have signed up an insurance plan with Jonathan. $250 per month.
    3. I listened to the podcast on a daily basis. 
    4. I failed to read a book for the past two months. 
    5. I went for a course with BCA. Regarding supervision with underground work. 
    6. Planning to obtain a driving license in August. 
  2. Finance/Investment (To have SGD 100k Saving with 12% return per annum)
    1. I found a knowledgeable property agent in Singapore and also Malaysia. 
    2. Went to property viewing with Jenny called Robin Residences. 
    3. Went to a Japanese property seminar with Jenny. 
    4. Entered position with ABX and also GTE. Looking for Singapore stocks to invest nowadays with Jenny. 
  1. Relationship (To build a strong relationship/Bond with Jenny) 
    1. Farewell dinner for Renee and also Vuisan. It will be a repeat for us where we will have to mix with all the younger generation here in Singapore. 
    2. I proposed to Jenny in Catalunya Fullerton, on 29th of July 2015. The manager on duty was Anna. She was very helpful
    3. I brought my Parents and also my aunt to the fitting so that we can discuss more about the wedding together as a family. I tried to get them involved in the process so that they understand our situation more. 
  1. Family ( To spend at least a month time with my family) 
    1. Going to Hong Kong to meet Jenny parents and her younger and elder sisters. 
  1. Business ( To bring in 500k Sales to Summit Kinabalu per annum)
    1. Met a few key people from the distributor and also supplier side. 
    2. Looking for a marketing business company to help my parents to grow their business on the internet. 
  1. Travel  (To travel to 100 Cities by 35 YO)
    1. Hong Kong and penang