Sunday, August 2, 2015

June and July 2015 Wrap Up.

June and July have been two very interesting months for me. I proposed to Jenny on 29th of June 2015, went to New Zealand with my mum. 
  1. Health ( My Goal is to drop to 76kg, 21% Fat by End of August)
    1. I have stopped going to gym after 27/5/2015, ever since I am not training with Domz, I have difficulties arranging session with my new trainer called Pradeep. 
    2. Changed part of my diet, took more protein. less fat and more vegetables and fruits. 
    3. I increased my push up to 50 times in the morning. Sometimes, I do 75 times. It is necessary to tear the muscle in order to obtain muscle. 
    4. My weight now is about 80.6kg, BMI 28.2, Body fat 22.8%. My waist has dropped from 102cm to 95cm now. 
  1. Myself (To be a better & successful man)
    1. Australia is out now of my list now. 
    2. I have signed up an insurance plan with Jonathan. $250 per month.
    3. I listened to the podcast on a daily basis. 
    4. I failed to read a book for the past two months. 
    5. I went for a course with BCA. Regarding supervision with underground work. 
    6. Planning to obtain a driving license in August. 
  2. Finance/Investment (To have SGD 100k Saving with 12% return per annum)
    1. I found a knowledgeable property agent in Singapore and also Malaysia. 
    2. Went to property viewing with Jenny called Robin Residences. 
    3. Went to a Japanese property seminar with Jenny. 
    4. Entered position with ABX and also GTE. Looking for Singapore stocks to invest nowadays with Jenny. 
  1. Relationship (To build a strong relationship/Bond with Jenny) 
    1. Farewell dinner for Renee and also Vuisan. It will be a repeat for us where we will have to mix with all the younger generation here in Singapore. 
    2. I proposed to Jenny in Catalunya Fullerton, on 29th of July 2015. The manager on duty was Anna. She was very helpful
    3. I brought my Parents and also my aunt to the fitting so that we can discuss more about the wedding together as a family. I tried to get them involved in the process so that they understand our situation more. 
  1. Family ( To spend at least a month time with my family) 
    1. Going to Hong Kong to meet Jenny parents and her younger and elder sisters. 
  1. Business ( To bring in 500k Sales to Summit Kinabalu per annum)
    1. Met a few key people from the distributor and also supplier side. 
    2. Looking for a marketing business company to help my parents to grow their business on the internet. 
  1. Travel  (To travel to 100 Cities by 35 YO)
    1. Hong Kong and penang

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