Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Success journal 556: Away from the city

We, Jenny Jayden and I, went for a two nights short trip to Bintan with Gerda, Martin, and Alexandra. On Saturday morning, we took the ferry from Tanah Merah terminal and left around 12noon. Reached there around 2 pm and checked into the room. I bought the welcome drink for all of us. 

We then joined the foam party in the pool and chilled. The pool is packed. After our foam party, we spent the rest of the time on the beach, letting the kids play with sand. 

We took a shower in our room and got changed for buffet dinner. Jayden stayed in their room overnight 

Day 2 
We woke up around 8 am and had breakfast together. Chilled by the pool. Met Steven and Leslie with their kids. They are leaving soon, so we didn't get to sit down together to mingle. After they left, we then moved to the beach to chill. I played my boomerang with another kid from the states. 

After the beach session, we had our lunch and moved on to the massage session in the banyan tree resort. It is a lot quieter there, and the Balinese massage was good. Gerda managed to get a 50% discount for the massage, which was good. We then went to the hilltop massage to pick up Alexandra and Jayden. The hotel staff cared for them while their mothers went for their massage sessions. 

We asked the staff if we could use the pool near the beach and the saffron restaurant. They allowed us as we had massage and dinner in the Banyan tree resort. It was so quiet we saw the monitor lizard. After Jenny and Gerda were done with their massage, we returned to our room to get changed for tonight's dinner in a Banyan tree resort restaurant. 

The Indonesian cuisine was not too bad apart from being too spicy for others. We spent like $310 on the meal, which was not cheap. 

After our meal, we played badminton together and went to our hotel room to sleep. 

Day 3
I had a quick breakfast and some reading. Took the shuttle bus to the terminal and headed back to Singapore. Relax for a bit and plan for my next trip. 

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