Monday, August 15, 2022

Success journal 577: Proper weekend

Woke up late. Stay resourceful and connect with the family. Had breakfast together with Jayden. I accompany Jenny to EMS. We took the bus and went to the river valley. Jenny did the session while I waited for her. Get to spend some me time there. 

After that, I was called back for work. Had a bit of lunch with family. 
Went back to work for a bit and went for badminton. It was great, and I met two new friends. Jimmy and Edison. 

After our badminton session, I joined the bbq in Mona's place. Spent the night with hong kong families. I played badminton with Cedric on a tennis court. Hahaha

Woke up late too, and spent some time on the bed watching badminton videos and BBT. Tidy up things at home and go out for brunch with Jenny's friends. After our brunch, we came home for a nap and continued to hang out with Kamin and yuyen at Kamin's place. 

I won the last night. :) 

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