Thursday, March 30, 2023

Success journal 689: mistake 101

Mistake 101 is in stock. 
dind't look into the value of the stock, bought based on market sentiment. 

I didn't buy when baba; I was 86; I bought when they got good news at 99. What am I doing? Stupid me. Have to be sharper next time and focus on the value of the stock. 

Maybe just because when baba was 80, I was too afraid to buy, which is wrong. Be greedy when others are fearful 

What I learned yesterday when I entered again is to tell myself to enter when the stock is being whacked down. Touching the base 

This a reminder for myself to enter again when baba touches 80 or 86. 

The moment I started to write my blog, the more I understood how shallow I knew about crucial topics in life. There is just nothing much that I can write to support or excel in life. 

I am 38 now, and I felt like I over-committed to many things and didn't focus on critical matters. Maybe it is good for me to work out the essential matters and work things through. With that, I  connect with the right people and do important things for me. 

Yesterday I went out for supper with Jenny in Newton food court. The crowd is good. We got ourselves some dumplings, coconut and green tea. Can feel the meal in my stomach now. 

The supper itself is where Jenny shared her work stuff excitedly. Everywhere we go, there will be arleen around. 

I may have stuffed myself too much. Everything is so extreme, and I think I have to cut things down. 

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