Monday, June 5, 2023

Success journal 726:Long weekend properties viewing, kids run, movie night date night

Properties viewing 
Bonding with family 
Kids run 
Date nights 
S*x marathon

Grateful for the past long weekend. As I got some spare time, I can recover myself, heal my body, spirit and soul. 

Eating healthy, bonding with the kids 

My family, Jenny Jacob and Jayden have been beautiful and I am grateful to have them, to take care of them and to love them. 

Been a good week without direct work pressure. 

I sat for a small exam last Thursday. After the exam, I went back to work, which was a bit rush. 

Friday was a relaxing Friday, we didn't do much, we dropped Jayden and Jacob off in an indoor playground, and we then went to Clarke Quay for brunch, and ordered an Australian iced coffee, which is with a scoop of yummy ice cream. 

We then went to the Intercontinental Hotel for an atas brunch. We ordered pizza and truffle eggs on toast. The ingredients they used were good. After our brunch, we had a big fight about pets, which is a typical bonding way for us. I said sorry after that, but at least I pass the message to her. Went back home for a rest, and we went for a viewing, of a 2 5m property around the area. To learn and deep dive into the property market. Elly is taking care of the kids. 

At n8ght, I went for badminton training while Jenny brought Jayden for a dinner meal with her friends in Neil Road. 

We went to hopper park in the morning, played with kids and dogs, and then we sent Jayden to Muay Thai, after muay that session, we then went to Hong Kong Dei for brunch, their food had improved. After that, we went to Velocity for a quick shopping for the home. And brought the grocery to fetch Jayden from BJJ and Muay Thai 

We had lunch together at home and took some rest. After our rest, we went for another viewing again, which is 1.8++ this round. 
After our viewing, started to rain, we took a bus to the orchard and had an afternoon tea at Tiong Bahru bakery in Scotts Square. After that, we decided to go for a movie. Fast X. We had McDonald's before the movie, and I bought myself popcorn for the movie. It was a great night out with Jenny. We walked back home that night because we are too much food. 

Kids run in the morning in Sentosa, Jenny invited Gerda and Martin, with Alexander to hand out together. We did run together and we have a drink in Coates and lunch in Rumours( a Balinese-style resort), we completed the run together, and I carried Jacob throughout the 1.6km run. There were a lot of freebies, they even got avocado for all runners. 

Tested my new mic and new blogging style. 

We had an expensive lunch in Rumours after. Jayden enjoyed his time there with Alexander as they got into a swimming pool, and Jacob kept jumping into the pool. 

After the session, we got a buggy ourselves to the monorail, and we tooMrtrt back home. It was good fun, after we sent Jayden to Icanread, we then went to a Japanese ramen stall for a bowl of ramen and went home for a nap. 

Elly cooked some hearty meal for dinner and we just pack our things before we called it a day. 

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