Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Success journal 734: ALTERNATE VIEW KENNY

after work, I went to the AMK hub to meet Kenny, who recently migrated to Australia. Asking him about his view. 

As expected, he placed his order and sat down. Perhaps is a social norm as I asked him out. For me is more about connecting with old friends. 

He shared his stories about his encounter in his life, and how he spent his life. Make money and owned an apartment in Sydney. 

He is from ACS, an elite school to which we have the intention to send Jayden. It is an opportunity for me to observe. 

He has this alternative view of life. Listen to non-mainstream news, believe in Donald Trump is doing a great thing for the world  

He called those that believe in his story an open mind. I listened with an open mind, so he called me Halfawake. I am grateful for the session, he took out from his busy schedule to connect with me. I adore this kind of connection in life and I will make more of these in the future. I believe connecting with people with the same interest will lift me in the long run. 

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