Saturday, September 2, 2023

Success journal 791: A rest day, President Electiom Singapore

Yesterday was Singapore presidential Election Day, I got a day off unexpectedly. 

We started with Jayden's birthday party. Lauren's birthday party in Kiztopia Marina Square. Connect with a few parents. 

The small talk topic should be where is your kid's next move. I guess that should be a great small-talk conversation. It took me almost a day to think of this answer. 

After the birthday party, we had a simple lunch in Sukiya, Jenny liked Sukiya. It is her type of meal. 

We then went back home and took a long nap, It was like the best nap ever. 

After our nap, we went to Hong Kong Day for tea time, then Jenny went to SJI Malcolm Road to cast her vote. 

We then walked back home and had dinner at home. 

A tiring and fruitful day as I got to spend time with my family. 

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