Monday, October 30, 2023

Success journal 838: Bonding with Jenny in the morning, Jayden dance or rugby

I am grateful to have Jenny to take care of the kids. 

Jayden got selected to train for his dance school. She is giving 200% to her kids' performance and future. 

We have come to a point where we have to choose either for Jayden to go dancing or rugby. 

There are so many things to improve and we don't want to give Jayden the wrong impression. Things come easy. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Success journal 837: Rest well Sunday, Jayden's achievement

I did get some rest yesterday and I am feeling recharged today. 

I am grateful for people around me supporting me. I have been taking taking taking. 

Jenny especially , she arranged all the activities for the kids and stuff. 

Jayden was selected to represent to perform for all that jazz dance school. 

Last week, I managed to transfer my portfolio from US to SG. It cost me a bomb 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Success Journal 836: Ingrown toenail

In pain since like 3 days ago. Probably from my badminton shoe. 
This is causing a lot of distractions. 
When life is pulling me in all directions. 
Grateful that I am still able to stand it. 
Grow more substantial than that. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Success journal 835: Last badminton session in Toa Payoh Sports Hall

I am grateful that I have learned so much from this sports hall. 
Stepping out of the comfort zone to join the games earlier. 
I am now in my zone playing badminton. I connected with players who love badminton as much as I do, and we have many rallies. 
Yesterday marked my last session in Toa Payoh Sports Hall. The agencies decided that they would be closing down the sports hall for good and rebuilding a new one, which would take about 6 to 8 years. 

Thanks to Vince for hosting. 
With Brendon, Hong kiat, Adi M, Rubing and wira 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Success journal 834: From all directions, mentally strong

Health, family, financials. They are pulling me from all directions. 
I have to be more mentally stable and stay healthy. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Success Journal 833: Eating out for a family

Tuesday night, we spent $66 for a meal, and I was like wtf. 
The good thing is I got to spend time with my family as I left my workplace around 1830hrs. 

But it is just too pricey, in my opinion. 
And I end up overeating and not feeling well. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Success Journal 832: Mistake mistake mistake

I have to be more careful with the mistake. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Success Journal 831: Weekend with the mother-in-law, rugby, hawker centre and Triggered SCDF

What a weekend. 
Didn't touch work too much this weekend. Which means it will give me a lot to catch up on. 

Saturday, Jayden is out with Austin and Janice. They brought him to a water park in Sentosa. 
We went to the east ocean fEast Ocean, which Cost us around 60++. 
Afterwards, we strolled around the orchard and continued our lunch in Wisma Atria. I bought most of the food. 
After lunch, we returned home to rest and saw a maid agent, as we intended to change our helper. It will cost us around 3 to 4 k for bringing back Sally 
After the maid session, we went to an excellent Vietnamese place for a meal. Didn't enjoy it. 

After our meal we went back home and sleep 

Rugby morning. Brought two kids to TRC, met Alexandre parents. Kids have fun and I started to connect with the parents too. 

After rugby. We went to tiong bahru market for a meal. After our meal, we went home for a rest. 

Jayden got icanread around 3pm. We had some snacks before hand. 

After Jayden icanread, we let Jayden to do some of his CMA home work, and we went to Thomson playground to play football. We won the other kids. 6-4

Around 6pm, Jenny mother pressed the emergency alarm, SCDF came, the whole block was in a mess. Jenny was very upset. 

We kept apologies to everyone in the block. 

We then went back to home and continue our dinner. Awkward silence. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Success Journal 830: Difficult words to swallow

The real world is not easy. 
I have been under my parent's protection for the longest time during my childhood. 
Just hope my kids would grow up more robust than I am. 
My boss is constantly asking me to leave the company if I cannot achieve progress. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Success Journal 829: Connecting with my family

My life starts after my work ends. 
I reached home around 2040hrs yesterday and had a quick dinner and shower. I then read a story for Jayden. Animal farm. We then had a bit of a snack together with Jenny. 
After that, we let Jayden go to bed around 2200hrs. 

I then watched Netflix with Jenny about David Beckham.
In the morning, Jenny has a new routine to: take a bus together with me to her horse riding session. I am grateful for this early morning encounter with her and the bonding session. 
I have to eat less than I burn, spend less than I make, invest the difference and be efficient with my time. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Success Journal 828: Consistency

Badminton twice a week, cardio. I hope I can increase the quantity. 
So far, I am enjoying making friends outside of my work circle. 

I guess it is important to have that connection for a better well being. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Success Journal 827: Drawing boundary, grateful for my mother-in-law

The list game- is all about ticking the checkbox 
I am drawing the boundaries 
Spent some time with my boys yesterday 
Spent some time with myself 
Grateful for my mother-in-law to be around to nurture my kids. 

Eat less than I burn 
Spend less than I make 
Invest the difference 
Efficient with time 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Success Journal 826: Weekend for the family

My weekend is to run family errands and supposed to contribute to the family. 
Eating out is getting expensive now 
Can feel the inflation is hitting us hard 
I cannot afford anything now

Last Saturday was Jayden's K2 Graduation. He performed on stage and was positioned in the front of his group. 
I can feel the pressure from the group as none took the bus in his class. Only we took a taxi. That was the thing when we joined a private kindergarten. 
After the graduation, we bought a bit of the photos and took a bus to Bishan for a meal. 
We had a meal in Swensen, and it cost us $100
After our meal, we went back home and rested. We then went for a swimming in Park Infinia, which was good. 
At night, we played games together 
Sunday morning, we packed our things and went for a rugby session. 
Jayden wasn't fully concentrating on the game. However, he did score a try for his team. 
I hope he can put more effort and concentration into it. 
After rugby, we went back home. I took away some food from United Square, which cost me about $20 to feed the family. 
I was exhausted and took a long nap. 
After our nap, we went to Orchard for a meal together and then Decathlon. 
Bought Jayden's uniform which cost us about $108. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Success Journal 825: Learning through sharing

Eat less than I burn
Spend less than I make 
Invest the difference 
Efficient with time  
I spent some time with Jayden at night and Jacob in the morning 
Imparting family values. I explained salt to Jayden, trying to be as clear as possible and be interested with science. 

I am grateful for my family's support. 
I am who I believe I am. 
Identifying change is important 
Connect with me 
Do whatever it takes to make things happen

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Success journal 824: Detox , not feeling well

I just have to learn to filter toxic people around me . 

Love myself 

Know my value 

Rest well

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Success journal 823: Habit and consistency

Mentorship is expensive. 
I am paying about $644 per month for my 8 hours training 

Eat less than I burn 
Spend less than I make 
Invest the difference 
Efficient with time 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Success Journal 822: A good team, lousy culture from the management

Read about article recently. Where loyalty is no longer as important as before. 

I am grateful with my team. Supportive 

After my work, I went for a training in telok blangah. Couldn't believe that I went so far for my training. 

I am into reading during lunch time. To be away from work for a while. 

I am also grateful the amount of money I am saving 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Success journal 821: Working through Sunday

No excuse for myself. 
Making dough for my family. Working through the weekend. 
I am spending money on my hobby. 
Around 900 per month, training sessions and maintenance. I am grateful for this hobby to enable me to feel better and be better. 
It is about no extra time, and consistency habit is more important than anything else. 
I am missing a lot of my family time over the weekend. Which I think is not worth it at all.  However, the Sunday work is essential to recuperate myself regarding the rhythm of life and commitment to the family, mainly when I chose the Sunday minimum activities. 

As for yesterday, I spent my day coaching my new supervisor, connecting with Hong Kiat to contemplate how to be APM, 
I prepared this post longer than usual. Perhaps need to think more about it. 
My contribution to the family yesterday was I booked flights from Melbourne to Tasmania. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Definition of happiness

My new definition of happiness is to be able to: 

1.Do whatever I want 
2. Whenever I want 
3. However I want it
4. With whoever I want 
5. For as long as I want 

Success journal 820: Left work earlier, bond with family and rest

Rest rest rest 

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Success journal 819: Family support

I am grateful for the big support from my wife. 

Eat less than I burn 
Spend less than I make 
8nvest the difference 
Efficient with time 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Success journal 818: Spending time with my kids

Identity change is important, how I speak, who I spend time with, 

Eat less than I burn 
Spend less than I make 
Invest the difference 
Efficient with time 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Success journal 817: Touching base with HK

After my badminton session, HK asked me for a meal. We had a heart to heart talk for like hours. 

We shared about work matters, and badminton. It was a good sharing 

I am grateful for the conversation and I wished I could have more insights and conversation like this. 

Building trust is important and rapport. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Success journal 816: booked a flight for Jenny

Contribution to the family for yesterday. I booked a flight for Jenny's mother to join us in Australia 

I am grateful that his mother is joining us. She is one cute mother. 

Jenny will be away for a few days. 

Eat less than I burn 
Spend less than I make 
Invest the difference 
Efficient with time 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Success journal 815: Drawing the boundary

Clearing my mind 
Training with Huck Lee yesterday 

Nearly fainted halfway through my badminton training. Gratefulb

Connect with myself when I play 

Less stress 
Me time 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Success journal 814: Bonding with my kids

Good weekend for me. Spending time with the kids 

Saturday we went to Centaurs to train. I brought Jayden and Jacob to the field and spent a great time with them. 

After the session, I brought the kids back to rest. After that, I brought Jayden and Jacob to Noah's birthday party. They had a whale of a time. I am grateful they allowed Jacob into the indoor playground in vivocity. 

After the session, we sent Jayden to a Street dance audition in Katong i12. 

Morning I brought Jayden and Jacob to West Coast Park for a rugby session, it is a public area and it wasn't very conducive. Having said that, Jayden had loads of fun and bonding with the kids. 
After the rugby session, I brought the two kids to McDonald's for lunch.  The place was crowded but I managed them. 

We then took a taxi back to rest and Jayden went to his ICANREAD and dance showcase in Newton. 

We had dinner together at home