Monday, November 13, 2023

Success Journal 847: Parents in SG, Deepavali long weekend grateful

I have spent about $500 ++ to bring my parents over on short notice so they can spend time with us in Singapore. 

I am grateful they got the flexibility and are willing to do that. 

We fetched them from the Airport on Saturday and went for Thai food in United Square. 

 Early morning We did tiong bahru market for breakfast, cedele in Great World, then went to Raffles City for lunch with Aunty Michelle. 
We then walked through the underpass to Suntec City. 

After hanging around for a while, we travelled to Bugis and shopped for fruits
We then ended up in a Korean restaurant where I ordered most of the spicy food and got screwed badly. 
We took a bus back home and rest. 

After learning a lesson from Sunday, I take today lightly and slowly. 
We started with a quick breakfast in the Toast box. 
Then we gathered with Jenny and Jayden at home; we moved to Orchard together. 
We then shopped around Orchard Road. 

After buying some stuff, we had our early lunch at Ion Food.  We continued with all the chatters. 
After shopping, we took a bus back home, rested, and played football with Jayden and Jacob. 
We ended our night with a meal at Newton Food Centre, where my parent gave me some cash he had to buy food.  

My dad is 74 this year and he clocked 12 to 15 thousand steps per day. 
Grateful 🥰,🙏

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