Sunday, November 19, 2023

Success Journal 851: Weekend all that jazz-once upon a dream, with parent and grand aunty

This is a great weekend because I get to drop my work for two consecutive days. 

Started with early morning Saturday, where we got ready and dropped Jayden off at Media Corp theatre. Many dance students and parents were queuing up to send their kids off. 
After dropping Jayden off, I went to have breakfast with Jenny in Chip Bee Gardens, TBB. 

The place is excellent and comfortable apart from the ventilation where the place is filled up with smoke, and hence there goes our apparel. They have quality croissants 🥐, so I can't complain much because they missed their servings. They quickly compensated us with a croissant for free. 

We spent hours in the cafe, and I seldom get to chat deeply with Jenny. She is a gem to spend time with, especially in cafes. 

I am grateful we have this time slot together on Saturday morning. After our cafe, we returned to Mediacorp to attend the show; I arranged for my mum to bring Jacob to the theatre, too. We all managed to go to the theatre, although I bought the wrong ticket. 

We enjoyed the show. Especially watching Jayden dancing on the stage. 

After Jayden's recital, we went to the orchard to meet grand aunty Michelle, had dinner with her and went back home to rest. I am completely knackered. 

Sent Jenny goodbye early morning, packed our things and brought my kids and mother to Mediacorp theatre. Today is Jayden's day two performance. 

After dropping off Jayden, I brought my mum and Jacob to the Botanic Garden. We stopped at Bees Knees for breakfast, and I think my parent didn't fancy that much. 

We did get to spend some time together and chat for a while, which is getting rare nowadays. 

I am grateful for how my parents always share constructive feedback with me. 

After breakfast, we walked around the botanic gardens for a bit, and they went back home for JJ to sleep. 

I then went back to the Mediacorp theatre to watch Jayden perform. 

After Jayden's recital, I returned him to United Square for his ICAN READ. 

I then joined my parent and aunty in Orchard to have tea together. Grateful for this, too. 

After our tea, we went back home to rest. 

Connect with Jenny and Jayden for a bit at night. 

Monday morning 
I got to spend some time with Jacob, which I missed. 

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