Thursday, February 15, 2024

Success journal 909: A night with my family. perfect moment in life.

Left work at 5pm. 

Went to united square to catch up with my mum. She looks a bit tired. Maybe after all the travelling and walking in SG. 

Dad just fetched Jayden from Muay Thai and let Jayden played pokemon gaole. 

We chatted for a bit over some drinks and walked home slowly. 

Grand aunty Michelle joined us and we started to have our dinner around 8pm. 

We connected and enjoyed our meal together as a family. It is like a perfect moment in life. Where everyone is there. Showing up is already a big win. I am truly grateful for this meal together.  My parents have put up so much effort for this meal together. 

Aunty Michelle left around 9pm. We sent her to the bus stop. 

Every house has their difficult phrases to read. 家家有本难念的经。heard that my relative struggling with their marriage. It isn't easy to go through this. 

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