Thursday, December 29, 2022

Success journal 642: Hair growing

I managed to grow a bit of hair on my apex. I used Rogaine products and some supplements. Grateful. If not, I will be looking a few years older. 

Maintaining my health has been my top priority, as I have been neglecting it for the past few years during the circuit breaker period. To me, at least two badminton sessions per week now. So I can sweat it out and have a balanced meal(more vegetables)

December 2022 

Success journal 641: Tokyo trip with family and mother in law

Day 1 
Singapore Changi to Narita airport Japan. We reached Narita airport around 7 am and checked out around 8 am. 

We bought the JR Tokyo wide pass and took the Narita Express to Tokyo station. We changed to the Marunouchi line and headed to Akasaka Mitsouko station. 

We walked to our hotel, centurion residential Akasaka, and dropped our luggage. We then shopped around the area until 3 pm, and we went back to our hotel to get changed and stuff 

After getting changed, we travelled to Shibuya, Takeshita street, for (window)shopping. 

Day 2 (Senso Ji and Echigo Yuzawa)
We heard that Gala Yazawa is not open yet due to a lack of snow. 

Went to sensoji in the morning in akasuka, packed with people as it was a Sunday. I guess the locals would go to these places as well. The food street is fully open and packed. 

We returned to our hotel and brought out ski luggage to Gala Yuzawa; although it was not opened yet, we went to the Tokyo train station and took the JR line to Gala Yuzawa with our JR Tokyo wide. The opening date had been postponed to the 19th, day 2 of our skiing trip. So we went ahead with our plan and took the train to Gala Yuzawa. 

We nearly missed our stop for our hotel while taking the shinkansen, and we rushed down the train when we reached 
Echigo Yuzawa. 

There was an incident at shabu dinner where the staff had to bow to an angry customer. 
Onsen with Jayden in our hotel. 

Day 3 (Mt Naeba)
Woke up, packed our things and checked out from our hotel. Gala Yuzawa remained closed; we had to look for an alternative. After checking with our hotel reception, we decided to go to Mt Naeba via local bus. The ride is about 30mins from the station and is called prince ski resort. The bus ride is rather exciting, but we opt for the one further away from the town upon reaching the ski resort. It looked like it remained closed. Only a few of the slope is open. So We took the gondola ride to the top of Mr Naeba for sightseeing. 

We took the prince hotel shuttle bus back to echigo yuzawa, collected our bags, and it snowed a bit.

We took the train back to Tokyo station and checked in to our centurion hotel in Akasaka again. 

Day 4 (Klook tour Mt Fuji)
Woke up at 430am, prepared all the things and left the hotel around 0615hrs for Shinjuku by Taxi. It cost us 4k Yen for a short 15mins ride. 

Started around 0715, went to the yeti ski resort and enjoyed the Mt Fuji scenery. We then took a pirate ship ride in Hakone, ropeway, to the owakudani volcano. 
Had lunch on the bus and ended the tour with shopping at the Gotemba outlet. Upon returning to Shinjuku, we had dinner in a German place and walked to a nearby government building. 

Day 5
After intense mode, we have a free and easy day in between. Today was a more relaxing day. We woke up late and headed to Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine in Shibuya near Harajuku station. The shrine is located in the Yoyogi part, making the walk to the shrine very enjoyable. We took a stroll around the park. I bought myself a coffee and took some pictures while Jenny went to do some shrine stuff. 

After the Meiji Jingu Shinto shrine visit, we then walked for a bit around Harajuku and found a place for ramen, which is foreigner-family-friendly. We had to leave Jacob outside the restaurant in a stroller. 

After our meal, we took a ride to Hibiya and had a short stop for dessert in Tokyo's midtown Hibiya, which is posh and family-friendly. 

After our nice chocolate dessert, we moved to Odaiba; we took the bus ride with a stroller, which was another experience with Jacob. 

At night we did team lab planet, which was mesmerising. My family enjoyed it. 
We took the bus back to Ginza to shop for a while and headed home. 

Day 6
- Disneyland~ 

Day 7 
Today is another relaxing free, and easy day; we took a train ride to Sunshine city for the mega Pokemon centre, we bought all the stuff for Jayden, and we let him learn more about Pokemon. 

-after our Pokemon adventure, we went to Ginza to shop. I get a chance to experience the Tokyo yonex centre. 

Day 8(Akihabara)
Is when I took my two kids to Akihabara while Jenny and her mum went to sensoji. We took the Ginza line and headed to Akihabara, an electric town and had a quick dip in the anime shop, checked out some maid cafes, and we gathered back together in the Tokyo Pokemon centre DX. We had our lunch, brought our stuff from the hotel and headed towards Narita Airport, Tobu. 

Day 9 
We took a relaxing stroll to the airport terminal at 3 in the morning, bought some souvenirs and had a healthy ramen and took our 4 pm flight back to Singapore 

End of Tokyo trip 2022. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Success journal 640:connecting with Jenny at night

Have a new interesting routine. 

Skipped my dinner or early dinner 

Badminton till late 
Edit video 
Breathing exercise 
I love exercise 
Connecting with people 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Success journal 639: connecting with people you are comfortable with

Spending time playing badminton is fantastic. I need to take care of my knees. 

Listening to people 

Ask questions 
Connect with Jenny 

Massage her 
Spend time with her 
Sort of the finance 
Eat less 
Drink lemon water 
Take care of my knee 
Grow my hear 
Lose weight 
Eat healthily. 
Edit video 
Invest and read investing notes and connect with people. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Success journal 638: less on the smash, video myself, investing. More aggressive

Booked four sessions this week for badminton. Down one. So far still good with my knee. Allocating time to exercise is essential for my health. 

Yesterday I burned 1.2k calories 

Connected with Jayden's friend, han's dad, yesterday. We discussed kids during the holiday. 

The market has been bad 

Been planning my trip to Tokyo 
Bought a lot of stuff from shoppee 12 12. 

Connected with Caren for her birthday. 
Connected with a badminton player in toa payoh

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Success journal 637: Jenny mum in SG

Jenny's mum is in SG; Jenny is over the moon. 

We had dinner together in Sembawang white noodles at Jewel Friday night. 

On Saturday, we brought her to united square, had breakfast in food court. 

Then lunch, we had chicken rice and ice cream at Celine's. 

Dinner at Daxi vivocity

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Success journal 636: 3 workouts per week

I am bumping my badminton to 3 times per week. Love it 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Success journal 635:Grateful for what I have. Family time

Husband, son, and father. Learning how to lead is a lifelong process. 

I need to connect with people and learn from them. 

I am grateful for who I am and who is around me. There are so many tasks and things to learn from people around me. Connect with them deeply. 

I think through badminton, I get to meet more people and learn from them. Love it 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Success journal 634: Volunteering for a cause I believe in

Spent time with my kids 
Comment with them 
Teach them good value 
Bad rest 
Good badminton session 
Feeling good 
Volunteering to things I believe in 
Watch video 
Edit video 
Learn things 
Stay invested 
Connect with the right people 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Success journal 633: Festival of Nation

Stop timing the market. Just buy when the price is good 

I worked till late last Saturday. 

Sunday morning, I went to the jayden rugby festival of nations together with Jenny. 

Spend the whole morning there jayden had a blast. Experiencing how to play rugby. He is not running, so I think he needs more practice 

After rugby, I returned home and prepared for my badminton session in the Joo Chiat community center. Caught up with Shannon, and he offered to fetch me to Bugis MRT after our badminton session; we managed to catch up for a bit on the car about kids and parenthood 

From Bugis, I took the MRT back to novena, picked up Jayden, and went for a meal with Harrod's parents in Ma Maison Takashimaya. We spent like $200 for that meal. 

We shopped around Takashimaya and Jayden read some books there. I am so proud of his love for books. I caught up with Jenny in the bookstore for a bit before we traveled back home via bus. 

A short weekend well spent. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Success journal 632: too many mistakes

The only way to achieve zero mistake is not to make any progress

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Success journal 631: Long weekend with family in SG

Finally, I am getting some proper rest and some quality time with my family 

Friday, 25th November 2022 
On Black Friday went out with Jenny and Jacob to Orchard while sally brought Jayden to a nearby friend's Naomi condo for a swim. 

We had lunch at Wisma atria Koh grill. After our lunch, we then went shopping; I bought myself a theragun and also a Garmin watch, a forerunner 55. We bump into Jenny's ex-colleague in front of Hyatt. It was some of the rare occasions I spent time with Jacob. 

We then pick up some stuff from the far east shopping plaza. After that, we went back home and chilled at home. 

After dinner, we walked to Orchard and bought some stuff from the decathlon. Truly taking advantage of black Friday. 

Saturday, 26th Of November 2022 
Woke up relatively early, tried on our winter clothing and checked everyone was ready for our ski trip in Tokyo. 

After our quick breakfast, I tried to book our Disneyland tickets, but they were unavailable. 

Went to badminton, met a badminton fan and had good fun on the court. After the game, we also chatted about gear and badminton. 

Went back home and got myself ready for the next session. Picnic and kite with HK friends in Marina Barrage. We took a lovely photo.

We had our dinner together on Satay by the bay. 

Sunday, 27th of November 2022 
Woke up early for rugby. Took a taxi to Sentosa, and it was raining. We detoured to Tampines east to chill ag Tampines one over breakfast in Toast Box. 

We then took a taxi to Janice's place.  Connect with them and their family. Love family. 

After our meal, we took a taxi back home and rested. For another session in United square with chai ann and her sister. She treated us to pepperoni pizza. We passed some baby stuff to her sister. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Success journal 630: bring a friend to badminton

He is very keen to connect. 
Invited him to a session 

I wonder what I can do to make him feel better. 

Connected with Jenny after the badminton and skipped my dinner yesterday. Drank a protein shake. 
Feel better this morning. There is so much live than work 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Success journal 629: Finally a weekend

After pushing to work for the 1st half of the month through the weekend, I finally got a break. 

Woke up around 1830hrs as usual and went to Ikea with the family to look for furniture. We had a beautiful lunch in the cafe. Sitting down and enjoying our family time. 

After that, we went home, and I continued my japan trip booking. 

Had a light dinner with the family at home and headed out to raffles city around 7 pm for JY's birthday. We chilled until late at night. 

I brought Jayden to his rugby, together with Jacob. 

After rugby. I brought him to the Pokemon centre, and I bought myself and Jayden a drink 

We went home for a swim; I brought Jacob to have fun and went to the water too. We then go for a quick lunch, and I took a nap. After a short nap, I started my Japan booking 

After booking our accommodation, we took a taxi to Siloso beach to meet up with lilac and their family. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Success journal 628: Daily routine

I got off work around 8 pm. Reached home before 9 pm. Had a quick dinner and spent some time with the family in my round until 10 pm. Massage Jenny and I went to bed. 

Called my parents to update them about how I am doing. It is always good to connect with my parents. They have so much love for me 

Jenny bought me a beautiful sports bag for my badminton. It is nice we support each other in what we love. 

Investment world. Warren just invested in a chip company.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Success Journal 627: walk in the neighbourhood

Fragile relationship. I will have to bear with these for a while during a downturn. 

Took a walk with Jenny yesterday and managed to reconcile with her; I skipped my dinner and had a protein shake 

We had a quick morning reconciliation bonding session. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Success journal 626: Reconciliation with Jenny

After work, I asked Jenny for a drink in the Starbucks reserve near our place. 

She said yes 

I ordered a green frappuccino for myself. 
She didn't drink any. 

We had a great conversation in the coffee house. Life is good 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Success journal 625: Feeling better

Played badminton, left work earlier and supporting spouse. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Success journal 624: all the efforts to zero

I took a hitch to MRT station, from yck to dhoby ghaut. To eat dinner with Jenny. Everything went smoothly, and it all crumbled when I ordered my drink while Jenny shared her work stuff with me. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Success journal 623: Routine life

0645 Wake up
0700 Shower and prepare 
0705 out from house 
0712 take a bus 851 to work 
1200 lunch 
1900 Leave from work 
2000 badminton 
2200 leave for work 
2230 reached home 
2330 Sleep 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Success journal 622:assessment

Thanks to the boss for promoting me. Grateful 

Did a great review, and he is trying to pull me up hard. 

Work has been challenging. Below my level is almost non-existent. 

Connected with my dad about badminton yesterday 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Success journal 621: Catching up friends, badminton and my own life

I hope things are not too late; been catching up with friends and myself lately. 

Woke up tidying up my shelf and stuff. Spring cleaning and clearing some of the clothing from my wardrobe. 

Have bread, dinner quick lunch while clearing my bills. 

Met aunty Michelle for lunch and tea. 

We went shopping for a bit in PLQ and Kinex. After that, I went to Joo Chiat for badminton. Forgot to bring shuttles, so can start early. Played a few good rounds with them. We also get to have some exchanges between the games, which is like real friends 

After our game, we went to sushiro and had a good meal and time with my friends. Ted, CCY, Kerwin and CA. 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Success journal 620: Baba

Holding on to my baba at 60++ 
Painful experience 
Keep grinding on

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Success journal 619: Me time

Jenny Jayden, and Jacob are in HK. 

Left me at home. Me time. 

After work, I caught up with serene and chai in Chinatown. Serene boyfriend was around. We sat and chatted as we have common interests. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Success journal 618: Back KK

Saturday Morning 
Booked a taxi and bid farewell to my kids and my wife. Headed to changi and took a flight to KK. 

Touched down at KK around 11 am and went back to the office. Connect with Aunty Jo and Shaun 

We had lunch in ???

After lunch, I drove to a dumpling cafe to meet Anthony and Victor. Catch up with them. Anthony is into NFT and Metaverse, while victor is into the steel business. 

After meeting them, I went home to take a shower. Went to a delicious curry house to have a family dinner. After our dinner, we continued our session in Fook Yuen. 

Went back home and sleep 

Woke up relatively early and chatted with my mum in the living room while waiting for aunty Jo. We then went to Imago for shopping. Mum bought some shoes while I got some sport shirt. 

After that, we drove to inanam for lunch; their fish was fantastic. 

After lunch with my family, I then joined Lisa. They were all in Deus cafe. 

After our catch-up, I went back home to take a shower and then we went for western food at plaza 333 airport restaurant. After our dinner, we then went to Starbucks. 

Monday (Holiday) 
Woke up relatively late and had our lunch at mayflower. After lunch, we drove to Suria and imago for shopping. 

We then have dinner with relatives in Mayflower 

Chill and chatted at home 

Tuesday ( flyday) 

Woke up at 9am, and rushed to airport as I saw the timing wrongly. 

Took the flight at 1140hrs, reached Singapore. Went back home and rest. 

Play badminton for 2 hours in Toa Payoh sports hall. 


Friday, October 21, 2022

Success journal 617: Katy in SG

Left work at 1730hrs 

Jenny was very glad 

Conflict with colleagues and my bosses 

Conflict with my wife in the morning 

Katy stayed in our placed yesterday, she was transiting from Australia to Hong Kong in Singapore. 

We went to Newton food court 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Success journal 616: Going badminton

Was rather stressed out this week, left work around 1830hrs, 

Confused mind 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Success journal 615: Crisis at work NLT

The contractor I was handling damaged NLT and Singtel contractor. Been busy and stressed out about this matter for the past few days 

Back to my life, Jenny has been supportive throughout. 

I explained to Jayden how difficult it is to put a bowl of meal on the table. I brought him to cold storage to learn things and countries. 

He also went to the Pokemon machine to pick up Pokemon cards. He got 2 yesterday. 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Success journal 614: Lum Chang annual dinner & dance

Started my day as usual; work has been better since they assigned 2.5 engineers below me. 

They want a yes man. 

After work, I took a bus home to shower and stuff. 

After getting changed, I headed to Conrad. Level 2. Ballroom. Got myself registered and joined the team. 

It was pleasant, and I connected with other teams from other projects. 

Apparently Lumchang is not taking on any civil projects nowadays. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Success journal 613: Jennny HOD

She just got a new job. Head of the department and covering Africa region for mondelez. Happy for her. 

We celebrated in Newton food centre after my badminton session. 

Cut down on my carbs yesterday. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Success journal 612: Fetching Jenny from bus stop

Seems like our night walk has been relatively regular. I fetched Jenny from the bus stop or met station recently. 

It is about a 5 to 10 mins walk, and the connection was deep. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Success journal 611: Grumpy

Very grumpy night. Maybe because the market is not doing well and my portfolio dropped quite a bit 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Success journal 610: Environment changes people

I believe in the environment and the people around me. 

The idea is to spend time with people I admire and go places I love. 

Save money for investment 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Success journal 609: every cent counts

I have to control my budget. 
Keep it very, very tight. 

Like how I watch my weight which I think I have failed, I need to tighten it and build healthy habits. 

Yesterday I left work early so I could spend more time with my family. 

I took a bus and left around 4 pm. Reached home around 430pm. We then leave the house for Sentosa Palawan beach for the heart event. Tickets from Allen. 

They barricaded the area and set up a few tents around for activities for the family. I wish we could have spent more time together as a family for live performances, painting and smell activities. They also provided some buns and drinks. 

After the activities, we then took the monorail and went back to vivocity. 

We had KFC in vivocity, about 20++ for the family, which is very affordable. We started this thought together as a family to save every single cent we could so we could buy a 2m property. Our goals just got bigger and bigger over time. It's good and aligns the family to saving money mode. There is a limit to how much we can save. 

After our meal, we took public transport back home. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Success journal 608: Saturday family day

Woke up at 0730hrs. Had a coffee in the morning while Jayden had his breakfast. 

We then went to Jacob Ballas; it was ok initially, but then people started to come in, and coaches' crowded the park. 

We left the park immediately. We had our breakfast at McDonald's. Rather a rare occasion. Bought some stuff from cold storage, and we went back home. 

I cook instant noodles for the family. It was rather satisfying. We then took a nap and went to the orchard to meet Catherina and her sister Eddie. 

Initially, the situation is a bit tense, but then it was alright after a few runs, rides and cakes. 

After our cake time in baker brew, we then bid farewell to them and went to Takashimaya. 

The shopping scene is overwhelming. Jenny bought a Japanese brand of shoes for work. 

I left for badminton in Sengkang right after she bought her shoes. 

I played badminton until 2200hrs and took a cab home which cost me $18. 

Had my late meal, connected with Jenny and slept at 0030hrs. 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Success journal 607: Give

Learning to give. Attended company social events the day before. Connect with the team. Then they asked me to take up more roles. 

Left my work slightly late yesterday. 

Went to my routine badminton in Pek Kio. Had fun with them. 

After my badminton, I walked back home to save money and time. 

Took a quick shower and had my dinner. 

Connect with Jenny 

Rest. Love the day

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Success journal 606: Connecting with my colleagues summer house Seletar

I left work around 6 pm. Seems like my work is pissing a lot of stakeholders.

trying to kill those part 

Letting some steam off 

Today will be doing badminton 

Connecting with my family in the morning 
Taking supplement and stay invested during uncertainty 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Success journal 605: Starbucks to RB

Starting small 
I am now cutting my drinks from my lunch to save some money and health. 

We have also changed our celebratory drinks from Starbucks to RB bubble tea with 30% sugar. That is a great 30% savings. Love it. 

Resumed my trading account after all the hoohah

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Success journal 604: connecting with badminton mates and leaving work at 7pm

I was invited to join a last minute badminton session group with chai ann's friends 

It was great fun. 

I also went to church in the morning to connect with God and relax myself 

Pushing up. I am telling my superior about the team spirit. Seems like pushing us 

I am losing control with my diet. Constantly feeling hungry. 

Taking my supplements 

Read a story for my son 

Wave good bye at him 

Highlighted to Jenny about saving 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Success journal 603: October 2022 grateful post

I am glad I got a hobby now. Looking at life differently. 

Grateful for my family's support. 
Grateful for Jenny's love, support and understanding. 

Connect with people on a deeper level. 

Taking my health more seriously. 

Looking at investment during my free time. 

Preparing the mindset for recession. 

Be more confident. 

I need to address my finance ASAP. Been staying in the negative territory for a while. Especially with all the trips recently 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Success journal 602: Working late

When the will power is being wear off. I tend to eat. 
Yesterday I worked until 10pm. And decided to buy myself a KFC meal. Damn

Monday, September 26, 2022

Success journal 601: Family day and connecting with my secondary friends

Wake up with Jenny having neck pain. I took Jayden to school, brought Jacob to buy some croissants from Kamome and let Jacob play in the playground. 

Connecting with him and stuff. He prefers the mat floor to the grass. 

He can climb up the red slides now

I then brought him back home and had breakfast with Jenny. 

After my breakfast, I took a taxi to Charles's wedding. Haven't seen them for ages. Good to connect with them again. 

Brief solemnisation in private patio had lunch in a nearby ramen place. 

After that, I did some groceries and brought them home via taxi. 

After they are awake, I then fetch Jayden from Chinese class. I brought Jacob with me. Saw Jayden with another boy called han in the Chinese class. 

I brought rugby and also badminton to Thomson playground so that they could burn some energy. 

I met Han and his dad; his dad came to chat with me. We did a good solid chat for a while. It was mind-opening to understand people's strategies. He also mentioned that he knew some people who pulled strings so their kids could get in. 

After our conversation, I quickly share it with Jenny. 

After our meal, we went to velocity to accompany Jenny for her neck treatment. She sprained her neck after an intense sport yesterday. At the same time, I hang out with Jayden. Spent some excellent one-to-one sessions with him. We went to read some books in a bookstall. 

After our 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Success journal 600: Things that matters

Booked a flight back home during Deepavali in October alone. Love it 

Played badminton yesterday with a friend I met on Wednesday. 

This morning I worked on the receipts and expenses. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Success journal 599: meeting people and socialise

Left work at 1840hrs, badminton, and connected with people in the game with the same interest. 

After my game, I walked home. Feeling exhausted and happy 😁  

Had a heated argument with my superior yesterday. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Success journal 598: Network is networth

I am glad I have got badminton as a tool to meet friends and connect with them. 

Yesterday after work I went to toa payoh Safra. I played badminton with Serene's friend. It was good 

Connected with new friends who love badminton 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Success journal 597: half day off to support my family

I seldom take off for my kids, despite all the childcare leave, which I used while my helper was not around. 

Yesterday I took half day of annual leave to bring Jacob to his vaccination in toa payoh

We sent Jayden to school and called a taxi to the polyclinic. I took the queue number with my phone. Pushing the limit of technology. 

When we reached the polyclinic, our queue number was on the missed list. Waited for a while. 

Jacob had a low-temperature fever in the morning. The nurse nearly rejected us for the immunisation jab. MMR dose one and chicken pox dose 1. 

He took one jab on each of his shoulders. The immunisation cost zero as he is a Singaporean. How lovely. 

Took a taxi home and took Jacob to Thomson playground. He was very cheerful and played with himself. He also learned how to stand and clapped his hands. 

When is around 1045hrs, I went to fetch Jayden.

Along the way, we chatted, which was very entertaining. We went to United Square, and I bought some bread for him. He wanted breadtalk instead of the proofer. Damn boy. I bought breadtalk for him. 

We walked home and had lunch together. Left for work around 1230hrs 

I left work around 7 pm, took a bus back and reached home to join the family at home around 1930hrs. Connected with Jenny while I was having my shake and also an avocado meal. 

We chatted for the rest of the day and slept.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Success journal 596: 15 supplement per day

Muslim 8nos, hair growth 4nos, omega 3 2nos, men vit 1noz. Take care! 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Success journal 595: Badminton session

I was dragging the game. 

80%but you control the shuttle rather then 100% but in no direction 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Success journal 594: Running to a bus stop

A 37 year old man carrying a bag, a bottle with ice running on his crocs to a bus stop. That is me. 

I need to keep this vision in neighbour, which we were best friends younger. Build 30 stores in the whole Malaysia. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Success journal 593: learning from the western culture working mum

It is liberating and mind blowing to learn from the western culture. I feel like I need to step up

I left work like 7pm yesterday. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Success journal 592: KK weekend trip, Teo wedding

Thursday 08/09
Took a morning flight from Sg to KK via scoot. Woke up at 0530hrs and left the house around 0615hrs. Reached the airport around 0645hrs. Checked in swiftly and tried to order some Starbucks for breakfast. A bit too tight, and gave up. We went for boarding around 0745hrd and took the flight to KK 

Rd KK and saw my mum waiting next to a column. Perhaps she has been waiting for too long. We sent Jenny back home as she got an interview with M. While we continued our lunch in Wong Kwok and my parents took care of Jacob. 

After our lunch, we went back home to take a quick nap. 
We then went to the Japanese restaurant Nagasaki for our dinner. They gave us a VIP room 

Friday 09/09
Woke up relatively late. Had to breakfast at a nearby restaurant near Lisa's place called Guo li. The coffee is good. We met bona Mother. She was very cheerful, and she heard about Jayden and Jacob. We took a photo together. She invited my mum to dance. 

After breakfast, we went to the Shangrila hotel to hang out. Jenny loved the place. After taking some lovely photos in the resort, we went to my dad's office to hang out. We had lunch together with my mum in the office. After our car broke down. We went to Imago for a quick shopping and bought some milk powder, Jacob. We then went straight to Pound for Jacob's birthday celebration. We got a VIP room. We played a while in the room, and Jacob had loads of fun. The food was good and beyond my expectation. 

Saturday 10/09
Walk central in the morning. 
Breakfast at a nearby dim sum place. Lok Tien, after our breakfast, we dropped everyone in the office, and we went to Shangrila beach hotel for a couple massage.  It was excellent and relaxing, but too bad I slept most of the time. The massage cost us like $760 for two and a half hours. Which we think is a good deal. 

After our massage, we went to Suria to shop, returned home, and prepared for the wedding. 

I Met Lisa and Foh and also some other friends in KK. Drank some beer and drove back home safely. 

Sunday 10/09
Woke up in the morning and walked major together with Jenny and Jayden. They enjoyed it. 

Jayden and my dad continued their mango plucking experience. They loved it. We went for a 33 for breakfast; it was slightly rushed as my dad was having his meeting at ten, and my mum wanted my dad to join us. After our meal, we rushed to Suria for our last-minute shopping. I dropped off my parents, and I bought sunglasses, and Jenny got a dress herself. We did the usual purchase in Watson and guarding. I bumped into Lowsai and his Wife in Watson. Low sai said he would join me at the airport around 6 pm. We left suria in a very rushed manner to join my brother and also my dad in tung fun restaurant. They served charming meals. After our meal, we went to Bataras while my parents went home with the kids. We did our last shopping. 

Went home and packed. We brought like 10kilos of mango. We left home for the airport around 5 pm and met up with Nicholas at the airport for a short catch-up. My brother has been very supportive in taking care of us this round as he gets closer with jayden and Jacob. 

Jayden cried when we bid farewell at the gate. 

Writing this blog on a flight. Xoxo

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Success journal 591: standing firm on my ground

Standing on my ground myself
Arranged a game for myself 
Arranged a time for myself 

My hobby invest, badminton and videography 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Success journal 590: TV meal

I left work around 7 pm and told Jenny that I would join her for dinner at home. 

I reached home slightly earlier than her and took a shower while Sally was preparing the meal. 

We did Netflix and chill. 

Relationships goals :) 

Monday, September 5, 2022

Success journal 589: Short be good weekend with friends and family

I was on my Saturday shift; XX fetched me for lunch in blk 202. Together with Wong and Dan. Great to catch up with colleagues. So many rumours and updates within the office. 

I left work around 5 pm. Joined CCY and Chaiann; they are all for badminton in Joo Chiat cc. Slowly finding my sweet spot in badminton. Love it. 

After our badminton, we went to Obi obi. A Japanese drinking house nearby. 

After our meal, I took the bus with Serene to Changi terminal 1. Serene left just before the terminal 1 bus stop and headed home, while I continued my journal to terminal 1. To fetch Jenny and Jayden. The reached around 2310hrs, got out around 2350hrs. We reached hone around 0030hrs and slept around 0100hrs. 

Had breakfast with Jenny in Kamome Bakery, spent around $15. Catch up with life and stuff. She remains interesting and beautiful. Xoxo 

After our bakery breakfast, we rested at home while I brought Jayden out to vivocity. We went to the library, pet shop and timezone. We had lunch in food court. 
Came home for a nap. 

Went out for dinner with Chai ann they all for  kok tien celebration. Left around 9 pm and joined Jenny for the rest of the night. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Success journal 588: Connecting with my self

I think it is essential for me to connect with myself once in a while. Yesterday I left work around 1830hrs for badminton in PKCC. It was a good session, and I am slightly more relaxed. Played a better game. 

After game I walked slowly back home. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Success journal 587: Bucket list spending time with my parents in Singapore. Grateful

Grateful for spending time with them. They landed last Saturday while I was at work.

Day  1 (Saturday)
I left work around 3 pm and met them in the orchard for a quick coffee. We then went for dinner in Hai Di Lao together with Jayden and Jenny. Aunt Michelle stayed overnight at our place. 

Day 2 (Sunday)
Woke up with the house being very crowded. Jenny and Jayden left the house for the airport, and I brought them to Kamome Bakery for breakfast. 

Went back home for a bit before we resumed our journey to Orchard for shopping. We brought Jacob with us. We had dim sum in Yi Dian Xin paragon. Collected the moon cake from paragon

I also brought them to the Japanese departmental store. Of course, we stopped for a toast box in between

We ended our day in Tang Plaza. Had our dinner in the food court 

Day 3 (Monday) 
Bus 518 day. We took the bus to raffles hotel. Spent some time hanging around there. 
Had our lunch in a food court in raffles city. Walked to Suntec

We also went to the fountain of wealth. Bought some groceries from Giant and brought them home. 

We invited aunty Michelle to our place for dinner. 

Day 4 (Tuesday) (30th august) 
We brought Jacob to the playground. We met a new 11months old baby called Avery with his father. Had a good game on the tossing game. 

We didn't bring Jacob out today. 

We had lunch in Jumbo Ion orchard. Ordered a crab for my dad. He loved it. 

We then went to bacca coffee. Aunty Michelle treated us. We ordered a blue mountain Jamaican coffee, which cost us around $63 per pot 

After that, we had our dinner in Tanjong Pagar hanging bbq. 

Day 5 (Wednesday)
I brought them to Thomson playground. 
Breakfast at Yakun.

We went to the URA building and brought them on a tour of planning Singapore. 

Had our lunch in Kafe utu. They loved it. 

After our lunch, I brought them to vivocity for shopping. 

We had dinner in Tam Zai Sam Gor. Took a taxi home and had some alcoholic drinks at home before we slept. 

Day 6 (Thursday)
They packed all their stuff and were ready to leave. I booked a taxi for them 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Success journal 586: Intermediate players yay!

Left work around 1830hrs, took 851 and went straight to badminton in Pek Kio Community Centre. It was a session for intermediate. 

Was a bit nervous but it was ok. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Success journal 585: movie night and instant noodles with Jenny

We went to visit lee in Yishun, he broke his arm. 

Went back late and had a quick dinner. Took my shower and Jenny invited me for supper. We had supper while watching working mum on Netflix in our living room. Love it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Success journal 584: Dialogue with bosses

Seou and Crist asked for a conversation. 
About disturbing subcons bosses 
About energy 
About low morale 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Success journal 583: waited for 33min.

Left work around 1830hrs. Took a bus to Amk interchange and rode to Dhoby Ghaut to new Jenny. 

Work wasn't pleasant today 

And when I reached dhoby ghaut around 1910hrs, I called Jenny, but she didn't answer. I went straight to Muji and queued at the restaurant. Not a big fan of queueing and hated when I queued alone. Very unproductive. After queuing for a while, I got a nice seat. I called Jenny, but she didn't answer. Waited for another 10mins, not feeling well with my stomach and I left. Upset. It was around 1943hrs. I waited for about 33mins in total and I am upset with Jenny. 

Life is tough 

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Friday, August 19, 2022

Success journal 581: numbering it

Love the idea where I numbered by post. Wake up with all the routines. Planning to go to Seoul with the family at year-end. 

Utilising my child care leave for my parent's trip to Singapore. I will start planning places to go in Singapore 🇸🇬  
There are some places on my list, and I would like to bring them. Casino, haidilao, African cuisine. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Success journal 580: Spending time with my boys in the morning

Woke up around 0630hrs. Jenny called and she was upset because Sally and Jayden hugged. 

I guided Jayden to somersault in the morning and hugged Jacob. Love it. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Success journal 579: Roomalone

I tend to start my blog with jenny. Seems like I have built a life surrounding her. Maybe not that healthy. Need to change to 1st person and more things about myself and the things I love to do. 

Badminton, videography, property and stock investing. I need to keep reminding myself 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Success journal 578: left home early and connect with Jenny via phone

Jenny is working overseas in Vietnam. She is staying in a fancy hotel 🏨  
I left work around 1830hrs. 
Reached home and connected with Jenny over the phone. Recovering from all the rushing days 

Need to have the discipline to work on things that matter 

Investment, self-improvement, badminton, and video editing. Focus on treating people nicely and love friends around you. I have also downloaded an app meet-up to arrange badminton at least once weekly.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Success journal 577: Proper weekend

Woke up late. Stay resourceful and connect with the family. Had breakfast together with Jayden. I accompany Jenny to EMS. We took the bus and went to the river valley. Jenny did the session while I waited for her. Get to spend some me time there. 

After that, I was called back for work. Had a bit of lunch with family. 
Went back to work for a bit and went for badminton. It was great, and I met two new friends. Jimmy and Edison. 

After our badminton session, I joined the bbq in Mona's place. Spent the night with hong kong families. I played badminton with Cedric on a tennis court. Hahaha

Woke up late too, and spent some time on the bed watching badminton videos and BBT. Tidy up things at home and go out for brunch with Jenny's friends. After our brunch, we came home for a nap and continued to hang out with Kamin and yuyen at Kamin's place. 

I won the last night. :) 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Success journal 576: Jason intention

Jason's Intention 

1. Raise my standards 
2. Change my limiting belief, Model what works 
3. To read and write on the bus 
4. Spend less than I earn and invest the difference, build an income machine together with Jenny
5. To buy businesses during the crisis and below value
6. To detach emotions from investment

- Drink Lemon water
- Salad Meal 
- Intermittent fasting for more than 16 hours without food. 8 pm to 12nn
- Take a Cold shower
-  2 litres of water
- To achieve 68kg, 17% fat. to stabilise my weight and lifestyle
- To drink apple cider vinegar every day
- Rebounding to feel good 
- To eat slowly 

- To hold stocks, to buy good businesses
- To listen to books' podcast
- To put money into FFA every day for compounding interest ($4.3m)
- To invest in my FFA account every month
- To connect with investors (Online and offline) via investing note 
- To get a Passive income of SGD$18k monthly to bring joy to my immediate family
- To read annual reports before buying stocks. 
- To connect/network with people with the same interest online and offline 
- Cash is trash

-To monitor properties in Singapore
-To prepare a 400k downpayment by 2023
- To find the next property course to attend with Jenny/Shaun 

- Prioritizing the relationship with Jenny, listening to her needs, communicating with her closely
- To connect with my parents weekly
- To align my long-term goals with Jenny's. Every quarter review in a fancy restaurant. 
- To apologise even is not my fault, to love unconditionally.
- To spend quality time with Jenny 
- To run/walk with Jenny around the neighbourhood
- Acts of Service is Jenny's love language. 
- To Massage her as much as I can

- To work on gratitude journal- post on Blog spot
- To read the intention card daily with Jayden and take massive action together 
- To watch motivating videos on youtube every day
- To create a positive ritual at the start of the day. I.e., To sleep by 2300hrs and wake up by 0600hrs. I.e. Read and rebounding 
- To publish content online every week

- To go out together once a week. Schedule it 
- To swim at least once a week 
- To go kids' Gym 
- To read a story for them before sleep 
- To send Jayden to schicida

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Success journal 575: Holiday blue

Worked late yesterday, but I did rest well. Had light dinner 
I am going to be attending a workshop tonight 
Writing this on a bus, and seems like with all this journal thing. I seem to have learned more things and am very careful with my work now. At least complete one thing at a time.

Work seems to be relaxed. Peace over progress 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Success journal 574:Long weekend with my family and my Mother in KL

Day 1 6/8/2022 Saturday 
We chose KL for our Singapore long weekend holiday. Booked a MAS flight for the family, and we met my mother at the airport. We flew last Saturday afternoon and reached KL around 1630hrs. Met my mother around 1700hrs, and we picked up the car and went straight for Hokkien mee in old Klang road. 

After that, we checked in our chick hotel in KL Central called the loft. The decoration is very hip, and they even got a play area for the kids near the booking place. 

Best of all, they get a complimentary mini-bar for us. We spent our night together chit-chatting and taking care of Jacob. 

Day 2. 7/8/2022 Sunday 

We woke up and looked for the dim sum from Google, and I found the jing Xuan dim sum. The dim sum was terrible and not cheap. We spent like 100++, and it was entirely not worth it. My mum shared with me that my snoring woke up Jacob earlier while he was sleeping next to me. 

After our terrible breakfast, we then went shopping in mid valley. According to Jenny, it was a complete waste of time. 

We had a nice lunch in antipodean. 

After lunch, we returned to the hotel, took a nap, and ventured around KL for good food. We went sek yuen restaurant, and it was lovely. My mum picked up the bill. Jacob was a darling, and the table full of youngsters next to us was having fun with him. 

After our delicious dinner, we went to drive around KL and stopped at Bukit Bintang for a quick milk powder run. 

That is the end of our day 2. 

Day 3 8/8/2022 Monday 
Genting highland day trip- We started our journey from Genting around 9 am; we all packed in a Nissan and drove a 45mins ride from the kl center to the Awana station. Booked all my tickets in the morning with klook; their vouchers are direct entry tickets, which were hassle-free. 

We reached the Genting Highlands Premium Outlet around 10 in the morning. We then quickly took a cable ride to Sky Avenue. I love the weather. It was good. I could spend more time in Genting Highlands, although the pricing here is almost like Singapore. 
Jayden was very excited. I didn't get to spend much time with my mum when I got two kids around me. All of us are. I'm just too busy to connect. Going through the motion. 

We spent the whole day in Genting chilling, eating, and spending time in the indoor theme park. I bought four tickets which I should not. Should have just bought two as we can walk around the indoor theme park with jayden. So the other tickets are not necessary. 

After playing those rides, we took our cable car back to Awana Station for shopping. I was in charge of taking care of Jacob while Jenny went shopping with my mum and Jayden. There was an l
The playground there, and Jacob and I spent our time there playing with other kids. It was a joy to spend time with him.
After  that we had a bit of drama having dinner there. We end up having marry brown chicken as they don't have non-spicy chicken and burger king burgers. We then drove back to KL and called it a day. I seem to have an issue with the ordering part. Maybe I am more of a person without much consideration while making choices, or I am just not picky about my food. I should raise my standard because when I don't care, people will give me shit. 

Day 3 9/8/2022 Tuesday 
Fly day- We woke up at 0730hrs. Packed our things and got ready. We then checked out from the hotel. The hotel overcharged us for 40% of the total bill. Jenny settled that with their management, and they honored the bill. 
I dropped them off in the departure gates and I went to drop off the car. Said goodbye to my mother as she is going to KLIA 2 and we boarded our plane back to Singapore. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Success journal 573: Newton Food Centre

Long day for me as my team is struggling with feedback from residents. 

Left work around 8 pm. Reached home around 9 pm. Got a call from Jenny, and she invited me to join her at Newton Food center. She said hup kee serve the nice oyster omelet 

We spent sgd30 for the night, including a bottle of Asahi for myself. Would love to go again. 

I will have an incoming of 50k ringgit. 

Now is to take care of my health. Stay active and eat healthily 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Success journal 572: Consistency, not a robot and flu

Even my robot would ask me to maintain him now. Mr. Marvel our latest addition gadget to the family that helps to sweep our floor and mop once a day. It would request to clean its sensors periodically.

I have been snoring badly, probably because I gained much weight during covid. 

Tired and didn't sleep well

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Success journal 571: Connecting with my family

Feeling in control, work had some drama yesterday. The tech team went all in to fight for the endorsement. 

I am in between. Not much say when it comes to drawing endorsement. 

I think I need to be more precise and have a better memory. Don't let others put words into my mouth. 

Back home, around 8pm++, I had dinner and spent some time with my family. 

Slept at around 10 pm.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Success journal 570: Rules of power

Power is a dark art; it took me a while to understand its importance. Looking at my situation at home, being accommodating and understanding is not for the long run as my kids disrespect me. Start reading rules about power. To gain some power and control in life. A great reminder. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Success journal 569: Connected with friends and also jayden great-aunt weekend

Had a long weekend. It was good as we got more team members to cover the job now. 

Saturday was a transition for the weekend. I got jade seng to cover the site duty. 

In the morning we had breakfast together with my boy, then we played some piano together. After that, we sent Jayden to a Piano lesson in United square. Jenny and I went for a quick lunch in Shanghai Tang; we ordered xiao long bao and sheng Jian bao. 

After our quick lunch, we then went to fetch Jayden. Took away some chicken rice for him to bring home. Upon reaching home, we went for a quick swim in the pool. It was so relaxing. Jacob joined the fun. After our quick swim, we then took a nap. After my nap, I then pack my badminton stuff and left home for Joo Chiat cc. I went for badminton in Joo Chiat around 1630hrs. They are chai and friends. I only know William. He seems very friendly and pleasant. 

Ended the session around 1830hrs and left home. Reached home around 2000hrs. We had chicken Karage for dinner. 

After our meal, I just hung around and slept. 

Sunday morning, we had pancakes for breakfast. I went to church and donated $50. The message is about money which I find boring apart from the spent 15m per year on their expenses. 

I then walked to Teresa lam place, as the kids had a playdate together. I made a video about them here 

It was fun to spend time together with the kids. The place is fantastic. Love it. 

After our playdate with Teresa and Emily, we quickly changed and took a bus to the orchard. We were on time, found a place and had our lunch with grand-aunt Michelle. 

We walked for a few hours in Orchard, and everyone was exhausted. Had some tea and cake in Dal Kom and we went back home. 

Had steamboat for dinner and called it a day.

My weight is 87.3kg

Friday, July 29, 2022

success journal 568: connecting with myself

I am me. I write about myself and things that I encounter daily. Work 💼 place has got some issue. Trust is not there, or communication is not there 

Seems like it is not easy to build trust. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Success journal 567: Dancing with jayden and Jacob in the morning

Left work around 8 pm. Reached home around 9 pm. 
Had my meal and followed up with a bit of work.

Connected with Jenny, and we watched a movie together and slept. 

I was snoring quite severely, and she couldn't sleep. She was distraught in the morning, and I said sorry to her. 

After preparing myself to work, I then brought Jacob to our room. Jayden followed. Jayden did some somersault on our bed, and we started dancing to the music waka by Shakira. It was excellent and fun. Lifted the mood in the morning. 

Recently, we booked a trip to Kuala Lumpur with the family, and my mum is joining us too. We get to speak more together because this trip is excellent and fun. 

I also invited aunty Michelle to have a meal together this coming Sunday in Orchard, and she agreed. Looking forward to it. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Success journal 566: connecting with my self.Big money will take big energy

I left work around 7 pm yesterday, connecting with myself at home and recharging. Locked the door and spent the night with me. Jenny came back relatively late, and we watched a movie together. 

Identify is rather important to me. Who I want to become is more important. Rich, badminton and videography. 

I skipped my meal yesterday as I was feeling full. 

Learn a bit making big money need big energy. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Success journal 565: reignite our relationship

Left work at 1830hrs, took the bus 851 to boat quay. I asked Jenny to eat together in a Korean restaurant on the boat quay. 

We ordered a set meal, a jajiamien, seafood noodles and padak fried chicken.  

It was slightly too much for both of us, and I took away the seafood noodles. 
The ambient was good, Jenny shared her story at work, and I listened to it while eating my meal. We were in a rush, to be honest. Didn't get to enjoy the scenery. 
It was an excellent place to chill. Love it. 

After our meal, we then took mrt back to Novena. We reached home around 2130hrs. 

Love the amount of time we are spending together. 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Success journal 564: weekend post

I worked on Saturday. Left work early and had my dinner at home. 
After my quick dinner, I took public transport to the Sengkang sports hall for a badminton session with colleagues. 2 hours session. Good workout. Looking forward to another round this week. After our session, I took a taxi back for $20. Reached home around 1030hrs and spent some time with Jenny before I slept. 

Woke up at 0830hrs, feeling recharged; we spent some time preparing at home and took bus no 5 to wonderful world city to have brunch with the hong kong group, Alex and his family, Theresa's family and Emily. Three families 👪 gathering in with cafe. 

Alex gave me a big hug when we met. 
After our meals, we took a groupie together and we went home for a nap. 

Took a short swim after our nap and had simple dinner. 

Jenny and I went for a walk in Robertson quay, we wanted to hang out in publico for a drink, but it was fully booked. We then walked to Clark quay and had green tea parfait in one of the Japanese stores. 

After our bonding session, we took a bus back home and continued our bonding session. Seems like having two kids, these bonding session has been scarce. 

It was a good weekend. Love it. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Success journal 563: Connecting with Jenny

We had lunch together in the subway and spent about $27. One foot long and a six inchmeal. 

Love the meal and the connection midday. After our meal, she took an 851 back home. 

I left work around 1830hrs. Will build the momentum. 

Spent time with my kids 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Success journal 562: Working Late

Don't compromise my family life for work. 

I was slightly late yesterday; Jenny was a bit upset about why am I late. 

We had snacks together, skipped my dinner and watched stranger things together. 

Did some chit-chat and went to bed. 

I should leave at 1830hrs and work later. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Success journal 562: Date night with Jenny in AMK

Love the vibe and the momentum. So much love and I think it is because I am less busy. 

Left work around 1830hrs yesterday. Catch up with Jenny in yakiniku Go in the AMK hub. 
We had dinner together and chit-chatted happily like a date. 

Explained to her that connections are critical and how my working altitude had changed 

After our meal, we went for bubble tea together. After our bubble tea, we went home together by train and connected. 

I worked for a while, and we watched stranger things together. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Success journal 561: Welcoming home early

I left work around 1830hrs, reached home around 1900hrs and had dinner together with jenny and Jayden. 

After our meal we watched stranger things together in the living room. I had beer and chocolate. Lovely. 

Had a good sleep. Feeling so warm to be able to spend time with the family on workday 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Success journal 560: Connecting with people and Sunday budget

Sunday morning, went to church and connect with myself and Jesus. The session was rather boring with the pastor. But one thing I learn is to knock and the door shall open. Perhaps I will want to check what is out there. Donated $50. 
Law of attractions. 

After the church session, I brought jayden to merlion. We took bus to Funan, and walked to merlion. Took one photo and went back to Funan for McDonald's . He wanted cheeseburger and nuggets. I spent $20 for the meal with him. Love the moment we bond over meal. He got so much things to share with me and I find it entertaining. We talked almost about everything. Learn things one at a time. 

After our meal, i dropped Jayden back to home and went straight to Vivocity to meet Jenny. I reached there slightly earlier and spent some time in the library with myself, and a short nap 😄 
We then went for a meal in tam zhai Sam gor. Spent around $22 for the meal. Their noodles are getting expensive and portion is smaller now. We didn't order any drink and will get use to it. 

After our meal, we went to grab some food from NTUC and took a grab to Lucy place. That was $7 

We then spent the evening there in her place and chill for the night. There was like 10 of us. 

Took a gojek back which is around $20.40

In total we spent like $120.40 for a Sunday. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Success journL 559: a joy ride with Jayden on a Bus

I got home early today, had dinner and took 518 together with Jayden. 
On the bus we chit chatted and enjoy the night view of Marina Bay sands, helix Bridge and flower domes.

I miss our bus stop and we ended up in Bedok. 
From Bedok, we got off and walked to the opposite bedok reservoir and took a 518 back home. 

Reached home around 9pm and tuckef jayden to sleep. 

Jenny brought me a durian dessert from ah chew . How sweet of her. We spent some time chatting and slept. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Success journal 558: Connect with myself

Had lunch with Loi and he passed me the milk powder. Seems like he got intention to let me to invest in his business. 

Took a taxi home with thr milk powder. Will work late tonight 

Edited videos and watchef netflix for the night my own. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Success journal 557: home early

Left work earlier. Spent time connecting with jenny. Love it 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Success journal 556: Away from the city

We, Jenny Jayden and I, went for a two nights short trip to Bintan with Gerda, Martin, and Alexandra. On Saturday morning, we took the ferry from Tanah Merah terminal and left around 12noon. Reached there around 2 pm and checked into the room. I bought the welcome drink for all of us. 

We then joined the foam party in the pool and chilled. The pool is packed. After our foam party, we spent the rest of the time on the beach, letting the kids play with sand. 

We took a shower in our room and got changed for buffet dinner. Jayden stayed in their room overnight 

Day 2 
We woke up around 8 am and had breakfast together. Chilled by the pool. Met Steven and Leslie with their kids. They are leaving soon, so we didn't get to sit down together to mingle. After they left, we then moved to the beach to chill. I played my boomerang with another kid from the states. 

After the beach session, we had our lunch and moved on to the massage session in the banyan tree resort. It is a lot quieter there, and the Balinese massage was good. Gerda managed to get a 50% discount for the massage, which was good. We then went to the hilltop massage to pick up Alexandra and Jayden. The hotel staff cared for them while their mothers went for their massage sessions. 

We asked the staff if we could use the pool near the beach and the saffron restaurant. They allowed us as we had massage and dinner in the Banyan tree resort. It was so quiet we saw the monitor lizard. After Jenny and Gerda were done with their massage, we returned to our room to get changed for tonight's dinner in a Banyan tree resort restaurant. 

The Indonesian cuisine was not too bad apart from being too spicy for others. We spent like $310 on the meal, which was not cheap. 

After our meal, we played badminton together and went to our hotel room to sleep. 

Day 3
I had a quick breakfast and some reading. Took the shuttle bus to the terminal and headed back to Singapore. Relax for a bit and plan for my next trip. 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Success journal 555: Learn Saying no

 I think I am hitting another person's KPI more than my own. Have to say no 

After work, I went to Plaza Singapore to meet her. We had dinner together in Nando. Ordered their new spicy flavour. 

We chit-chatted and took a bus home. Slept through the night 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Success journal 554: Sunday duty

 I am 37 this year, and I still have to work on Sunday.

Yesterday I reached the office around 8 am and conducted a toolbox meeting. My safety jumped because my supervisors did not reach me on time. After the meeting, I went to the office, and my client started to bombard me with questions. 

Walked around the site and went to the jubilee centre for lunch and nearby for a haircut. Came back office to sort out some paperwork and left work around 5 pm. 

Reached home, took a quick shower, and had dinner with my family. 

Took a bath with Jayden. Slept with him around 8 pm and watched stranger things 2 with Jenny. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Success journal 553: Badminton session with colleagues

You know, people you play together bond together.

I left work around 5 pm. Connect with ccy and his GF for a meal on Macpherson road. Casuarina. We ordered paper tissue, butter chicken and some fried noodles. Shared 

After our meal, I took the train to Sengkang and changed a bus to the sports centre. Reached there around 2030hrs, warmed up and started to play. Had fun 

After badminton, we went to blk 303 for supper. Ken ordered the usual, and we asked for the top-up. 

Wong sent me home. 

Took a shower and slept. A good rest indeed 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Success journal 552: quarterly company dinner

After work, we went to toa payoh Safra, level 3, for our quarterly dinner. Had some food, Trivia, and games. We won the 1st prize. It was fun. 

It is at moments like this that I enjoy working. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Success journal 551: Perfect day

 Woke up at 7 am and sent Jayden to school. Brought Jacob and Jenny to Kamome for breakfast. Jenny ordered our staple, red bean and mascarpone, croissant and a new cinnamon bakery. She brought her drink. 

After breakfast, I brought Jacob home and did my stuff. Mainly investing part. 

Then I went to Jayden's school to fetch him. 

We then went to wine connection for lunch. Ordered two pizzas for 4 of us.

Went back home and took a short nap. 

Jenny and I went out to get snacks and some egg tarts from Tai Cheong.

After our snacks, we went for a short swim and watched Dr strange. 

Dinner at home, birthday cake and went for a walk with Jenny and jayden. 

Spent the rest of the night connecting with Jenny. What a beautiful night. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Success journal 550:Predicting Market with fifthperson

 I am grateful for resources to tap into in Singapore. Things I like are badminton, investing and videography. So let's see how do I leverage this to learn 

Went for dinner with colleagues yesterday; wong brought me to Bishan for a meal. 

After a meal came back home and took a warm bath while listening to the fifth person's video about predicting the market. 

They just played an entirely random card game and told us there is no way we can predict the market. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Success journal 549: booked my trip to bintan and kk

I left work around 7 pm yesterday. Took a shower and meal and slept Jayden around 8 pm. He has been not feeling well. Perhaps too much of activities over the weekend. 

Followed up on some work and didn't do much after. 

Been very happy to book trips recently. I have booked a kk trip in September and a Bintan trip in July. It is a ticket to connect with people and relax.  

Monday, June 27, 2022

Success journal 548: Social weekend

Miss J is our house ambassador; she arranged social events for our kids and connected with people. 

Saturday morning, we Wentworth to the Cairnhill community centre to attend a bike control event organised by NC. The intention is to expose Jayden to cycling on two wheels. Registration is $20 and is a half-day event. 

The MP Alvin Tan was there, and he connected with me very smoothly. Adding value to my presence there. Immediately gel in by asking me a few questions and sharing his thoughts. He also connects with Jayden and  Jenny. Lovely. 

After guidance from the bike coach, I saw Jayden ride a few times on two wheels. After the event, when we were on our way home, Jayden started to ride on his own. Life skills 

Took a brief nap and stayed at home throughout tidying up the house. We had bbq skewers and played blockus. We also watched a bit of Dr strange. 

Sunday morning. Changed my cloth and went to church together with Jenny and Jayden. Enjoyed the zen session and doing nothing. Donated to the church. 

After church, I came home for lunch and rest. 

Left about 1430hrs to attend Jayden's classmate Jacob's sister's birthday. Which was somewhat awkward. Parents don't know each other. Jayden gets to enjoy the trampoline session, I guess. Said goodbye to Avery, and she waved at me before we left. She is very polite. 

After Avery's birthday celebration, we went to Richmond Park, a condominium a short walk from Orchard. We had a bbq party by the poolside. Very atas condo. Had a peek at their two bedders, and their layout is spacious. 

The rental for two bedders is around 5k here. 

We have Victor, Mona, Mona's Mum, Gerda, Martin and Sue. I felt very comfortable hanging out with them. Perhaps they are experienced and willing to share. For me is like mind-blowing stuff. We had lovely meat over there; sue marinated the chicken wings and prawns, Gerda brought the meat, and Mona brought cheesecakes 

Lovely weekend and hope more to come.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Success journal 547: Night out without kids

We try to eat out together as a couple, spend time together, and connect without kids. Grateful that Sally can take care of the kids. I left work around 1830hrs, hopped on the bus and managed to catch Jenny at the bus stop opposite turf club. She just finished her horse riding session. We decided to go out for a meal together. 

Yesterday found a burpple deal. 

I ordered ribs, and Jenny ordered steak with eggs. We also order two glasses of chardonnay. The meal cost us about 65 after the discount. Which I think is still relatively expensive.  

She shared about her work politics and her struggle at work.  Seems like this Ms C is giving her a lot of pain. 

It is almost the 1st time we dine out as a couple after our holiday. Life is not going to be easy moving forward. It is funny why these toxic people are around the companies. They can thrive in the modern economy. 

After our meal, we took a short walk back home. Jenny connected with her parents, and I connected with my parents before we walked home. It is my dad's birthday and her sister's wedding today. 

We showered and sleep

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Success journal 546: OT OT OT

 Work until 2130hrs yesterday. Took a taxi home and watch movie with Jenny. Seems like I cannot afford this kind of lifestyle. Need to have discipline 

Watching stranger things is not building the mood conversation. 

Slept in around midnight. Feeling a bit tired in the morning. 

Did rebounding today, and took my supplement. Connect with Jacob. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Success journal 545: The economy is fighting inflation by raising rates. Seems like stagflation is coming

 I worked till 9pm yesterday, took a taxi home which cost me around $8. Got a discount from grab. Reached home. It was requested by my boss and I had to stay back while he went back to spend time with his family. Can't say anything about it but maybe that is the benefit of being a superior. You will have the flexibility of going back early. 

Didn't bother to eat my dinner. Took a shower and prepare to sleep. 

Jenny was watching her TV and we connected while she share with me about her work stuff at work. It makes me wonder why do we keep poor performers in our team. 

After our sharing we turned off the light and went to bed. 

Woke up around 0635. Jacob pooed, i took shower in the guest toilet so Jenny can use the master bedroom toilet. She is going to work today and she will be waking up around 0645hrs. 

Everyone in the house is awake by 0645hrs, and I got my self ready for work around 0652hrs. Took my supplement but I forgot my rebounding today. Get to spend a few minutes with every family member. 

Left the house around 0701hrs, walked to United square bus stop and hopped on the bus 851 to work in AMK town garden West. The bus ride is about 20mins. 

I read about ray dalio article about the cost of fighting inflation. Stagflation. It was a great article saying what the central bank had done by raising interest rates and reducing people's spending. What he said make sense and seems like it is by reducing people buying power so less people can afford things so the chicken will not be as expensive. 

Living in Singapore has been relatively lucky because our earning power has been preserved over the years. Comparing to other countries. What I should be doing? How do I leverage from this article? To further study about stagflation. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Success journal 544: Poor health

After all the binge eating and stuff, my health has been poor. Coughing, bad sleep, body ache muscle pain 

Have to cut down my calories and do exercise. Did rebounding today. Resume my salad 🥗 meal. 

If I don't have good health, how do I take care of my family, make money and stuff. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Success journal 543: Standing for myself

 After work, I took a bus to change to terminal 2, an hour journey from work to fetch Jenny. 851 to Seletar and 858 to change. 

Reached terminal 2 around 1938hrs. She was waiting there, chatting with Jayden. 

We walked together to terminal 1 jewel to look for a restaurant for a meal together. 

We chose ding tai fung. We ordered a prawn cake, fried rice and xiao long bao. Cost us around 50++ 

I remember that was the price around this a few years ago. Probably I ordered less now 

The entire atmosphere is almost perfect until I asked a question if she is going to chai ann place to collect Thumper and Daisy 

Then we started to argue. Sad case 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Success journal 542: 1st day at work after a long holiday

 The office is busy and cold 

I stand outside of my workplace and write down the post yesterday as a reminder that I should be living a life worth living. 

Received a letter saying my health is abnormal. Have to cut down on my snacks and stuff. Eat normally. 

The thing with work and business is that we can pass down to the next generation that self-employed and owning a business is entirely business. Owning a business is that we hire people to run the business, while self-employed is that we need to be physically there. 

The company biggest problem is not making enough money to cover the expenses. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Success Journal 541: Life worth living for

 It has been an eye-opening experience spending time in KK with my family and relatives. 

Looking at things from the top has been challenging for me living in Singapore. I looked into the dollar and cents so much. 

My Parents also explained that business has not been accessible, especially during the covid period and that they have prepared funds to cover the challenging periods. Life has not been any easier for them.

The good thing is with the business running and also church work for my dad. Both my parents seem to be in relatively good health. At least they are eating supplements and working on housekeeping at work. 

The business is taking care of my family. I am grateful for what I have experienced over the past week in KK with them.

Working as a family and staying united has been crucial for the family to succeed. My mum has led by example. She supported the family and took care of the family with all her energy. 

She is the one with a clear mind.

Success Journal 540: Adventure in KK

6th of June 

Went to Suria for shopping and had our breakfast in Ah Yen restaurant. Catching up with the family 👪. Is a holiday for some reason 

7th of June 

Had a meal at A1 chicken rice, and then I brought Jacob back home to rest and to let my parents catch up with their work. We had dim sum lunch in the new WK. I am in good hands. 

We then went grocery shopping in the city mall. Took a bit of footage. Mum bought crabs and fish for dinner 

8th of June 

We had our light breakfast in imago. Dad seems to be busy with his church work. There is an incoming 1.5m fund coming in for the land sales, which were bought for 2m. We had breakfast in the Imago food court. Continue our catching-up session. There are so many things to talk about. 

Tonight will be celebrating Shaun's birthday as he will be leaving for Singapore tomorrow morning. Initially, we booked an excellent place for a meal, but dad didn't feel well, and mum went kit to buy a hovid drink for him. We ended up having our birthday dinner at a nearby Japanese restaurant. We bought durian cake from Mrs Leong. Took a family portrait. 

9th of June 

Had our breakfast in KK Beaufort restaurant. Sort out some of my banking stuff and dental. Took out my upper left wisdom tooth. Very happy with the procedure and am relatively painless after. Well done to Dr Melody and the team in Dr Elaine. 

10th of June 

Had a meal with Uncle John and his wife in Mayflower. They wanted to buy me dinner. We had a good conversation.  Aunty Jo took care of Jacob at home. We did some takeaway for her. 

11th of June 

Had a meal in aki such in 333. We bought some beer and sunflower seeds home to eat and catch up. Seems like we could chat a lot more from there. 

12th of June 

We visited fuyuen and also a pharmacist recommended by Josephine. She was really good and taught us on the application. 

We made a day trip to Tambunan. It was rather chilly and relaxing. Had dinner meal with Uncle Guan and Uncle John in Delicious curry house. I had a good conversation with them. Shaun returned from Singapore bringing back goodies. We continue our beer and sunflower seeds sessions. 

13th of June 

Fly day back to Singapore. Doreen came to our house and followed us to the airport. After our check-in. We had our usual McDonald's. Flying solo with Jacob. He slept through the flight, so it wasn't too bad. Touched down Singapore. Went home and fetched Jayden from tuition class, and we had a brief catch-up session in McDonald's. He has grown quite a lot. We spent the night together. Love it. 

Friday, June 10, 2022

Success journal 539: Grounded in Singapore

27th of May 2022

We are grounded in Singapore, and they require additional information to process my visa.

The reason is that I overlooked an email from Australia home Affairs. 

Lesson learnt, never take authority's email lightly. This is not the 1st time I have missed such an important flight. The 1st round is in the UK, missing the flight back home.

That is my blunder. I overlooked the flight time.

For this time around, I overlooked the visa email. No one else to blame but to take up the responsibility. 

When I missed the flight on the 27th of May, the Jetstar staff Mr Ravi patiently asked me to wait in the hall for the visa to be approved. I have yet to receive my visa for Australia at the point of writing this blog,

We then withdrew all our bags and went home. The feeling is devastating for the family. We lost around sgd 2k for all the bookings that are non-refundable and a penalty for rescheduling the next flight. ( excluding flight ticket) If I include the flight tickets, will be even more. 

I need to write this down carefully so I will not miss a flight or overlook a visa again. 

28th of May 2022 ( Saturday) 

I kept refreshing my email for updates daily for the visa, being hopeful. Finally, Jenny organised a trip to Kallang water park called splash and surf. 

29th of May 2022 ( Sunday) East Coast Park Family Cycling 

We have checked with Jet Star for the next available flights, and we started to plan for plan B. JENNY WILL BRING JAYDEN TO Melbourne if I can't get my visa by Wednesday. Can't waste this 2 weeks' holiday. We went to east coast park for cycling and had lunch at the Parkway Parade. After our lunch, we went home with little hope of flying on Sunday. 

30th of May 2022 ( Monday) 

Check visa day, we went to the orchard for shopping while checking our visa 

31th of May 2022 ( Tuesday) 

we went to east coast park, coastal grove playground 

1st of June 2022 ( Wednesday) Jenny and Jayden's fly day 

Apparently, we were told there was a flight to Melbourne today. We packed our stuff and went to the airport, ready to fly off. I have given up on my visa. The flight was cancelled. We spent some time in the jewel and had 

2nd of June 2022 ( Thursday) IMM, JEM and science centre

Brought Jayden to Science centre, he enjoyed it and learned a lot of stuff

3rd of June 2022 (Friday) I-light Marina bay sands

Went to Marina bay sands for the light festival. We had dinner at the food court to save costs. 

4th of June 2022 (Saturday) Preparing to fly on Sunday 

We spent most of our time at home, preparing to fly. Clean our house, take care of Jacob and Jayden and rest well. 

5th of June 2022 (Sunday) FLY DAY! 

Finally, we managed to fly. Jenny and jayden to Australia and Jacob and I to KK. We checked in the terminal together as a family. Bought drinks at Starbucks. I met my cousin and his family at the airport.

The flight back to KK is not too bad. Everyone was accommodating. I got a stranger next to me making milk for me. A few rows of strangers entertained Jacob while he started to cry for a bit. We touched down at KK around 8pm and went for dinner in Delicious curry House. I met Miss A in the restaurant, and we hugged and briefly connected. His dad could barely walk now. 

Finally, we are away from Singapore! 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Success journal 538: work late and family support

Working in a supportive team is my primary motivation to stay in this current company. Grateful for this. My manager bought us meals and worked together with us. 

Family support is critical; it is like oxygen. When there is a fight like a day before, things will go haywire for the entire day. Lesson learnt. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Success journal 537: Jenny exploded

Live based on principles. 

What is my interest and what I would want to be? 

1. Badminton

2. Investor

3. Traveller

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Success journal 536: cheese night

 Left work early. Cheese night with Jenny xoxo

Monday, May 23, 2022

Success journal 535 : badminton Sunday

 I started my day by bringing Jayden to the rugby session, this time around with Jenny. I took out of my yoga session and spent the time with the family. Time together seems to be very little nowadays. 

After our rugby session, we took a taxi back to United Square. The taxi fares nowadays are just astronomical. The price surge in fuel makes everything more expensive after we reach the united square, we take away some noodles from the Redhill noodle stall, and the lady at the cashier pissed Jenny off with her bad manners. 

After we got our noodles, we walked back home and had brunch together in our living room. We always tend to overeat on Sunday. We then chilled in the house for a while and walked Jenny to the bus stop. 

As usual, I brought Jayden to united square again. To popular and toy r us. I enjoyed the time spent with him. After that, we bought some bakeries from bread talk for lunch. I brought an ode to pumpkin, which cost me $1.60 each. 

After our lunch, we went for a swim in the pool and took a nap. 

I went to Joo Chiat by bus(1hr) for my badminton session with ccy. We got Elaine, pang, ah Fei, Kok Tian, and Chai ann. After the session, we walked to i12 Katong, and I took a bus to the Sengkang sports centre. ( 1 hr) I continued my badminton session with sim for another 2 hours until 10 pm. Happy person 

I took a taxi  and reached home around 11pm. Took a shower and had a good sleep. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Success journal 534: work late and connect with jenny

Worked until 11pm yesterday

Jenny accompanied me to bus stop today. Feeling happy 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Success journal 533: Connect with family

 Took an OIL yesterday and brought Jacob for his immunisation in toa payoh south. 

After immunisation, wI went back home to chill for a bit; I went to pick up Jayden from his school. Along the way, he kept sharing his story with me. 

After fetching him, we went to move a square for a meal. Onkei tonkatsu, a new establishment. I used burpple to eat, and it cost us $46++. Will probably not eat there again, even with burpple.

After lunch, I took a nap, and upon waking up, we did a parent's teachers' day. 

Silent has no value 

I then followed Jenny to her horseback riding class. I am the photographer of the day. Adding value to her. 

After horseback riding, we went home for a meal together with the family. Play some games with Jayden and read him a few stories. 

Did some research for our Melbourne trip and made a reservation on airbnb 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Success journal 532: connect with jenny

Spent time with her, left work around 7 pm, walked around the mall and waited for her to finish her meal with her Meta friend. 

Night routine slept early 


Jacob got eczema since he recovered from Covid. He scratched his right eye today. 

Jayden is having fun with our robot Maria this morning. I activated him in the morning. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Success journal 531: Bonding with friends and family


After work, I took the early bus back home. T226 team cancelled the dinner due to rain. Went to the orchard to shop alone. Jenny and Jayden went out for a playdate 


Work in the morning, after work, I went to the lucky place, and we had steamboat and mahjong until late. 

Monday (Vesak day) 

Had breakfast in Kamome; after breakfast, Jayden went grocery shopping with Sally, and we returned home. Pack some of our stuff for Melbourne, and I sleep, Jacob. 

Set up the robot for a mop, and it did a good job. 

Went to great world city for lunch and we had kith cafe. Spent about 70 on a meal with the family. Jayden had a great time there because of the playground next to it 

After our lunch, Jenny went for her eyebrow and manicure while we went back to rest. 

After rest, I went to Novena Regency for ice cream in Celine. Ordered a waffle set, had black sesame and Jenny had cookie and cream. 

After waffle, we went home for our dinner. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Success journal 530: goodbye at the window

I am trying to leave work as early as I can, priority is shifting from working very hard to working smart. Focusing on things that we can achieve. Connecting with people and working on my boundary. 

Left work around 1800hrs yesterday. Avoided people they I would not want to see. Reached home around 1830hrs. Bbq with jenny, had a good conversation with her, and read a story for my kid. Setup the roboroc vacuum for our home for the 1st time. 

The morning I get to hug Jacob and Jayden. Take my supplements and left work slightly late this morning. 

Everytime when I leave home for work. My son will say goodbye to me at the window. My son at the window on the 6th floor. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Success journal 529: left work early

 Left work at 1130hrs, for course 

Attended a course, swim with Jayden 

Had dinner early and spent the rest of the night sorting out our Australia trip plan 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Success journal 527: left work at 7pm

 I left work around 1830hrs, had dinner and got my kid to sleep around 2100hrs. 

Go through Jenny's plan on the Tasmania trip and target to complete our bookings by this week. 

She felt intimidated when I went through with her 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Success Journal 526: connect with colleagues return thanks

 It is unusual for me to buy drinks for colleagues. Yesterday is a particular case; I bought rounds Of drinks for our colleagues

Cost us 80++, but the effect is fantastic. 

Left work around 8 pm, reached home rather knackered. Read two stories for Jayden, watched a few movie with Jenny and went to sleep. Didn't do much about my planning. 

Did a difficult conversation with the intern. It for his own good. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Success journal 525: badminton marathon and mothers day

 Started my weekend by leaving work around 1730hrs last Friday. Spent time with Jenny while sally was taking care of the kids 

Saturday morning, Jenny and I had breakfast together in Kamome bakery; we are getting closer together through all these bonding sessions. It is nice to spend time with her 

After breakfast, I went for a course in HQ until Lunch. Spent some time with Ken while I was doing some reading and went home for a nap. I then travelled to Bedok for badminton sessions ccy. We then had ice cream together, and then I went to Sengkang for another session. Transporting myself from one place to another makes me happier and can be very costly. 

After badminton with them, we went for a meal together in Sengkang, and I reached home around 0100hrs. 


Mothers day. Brought jayden to rugby as usual; after rugby, we then went to this Kafe utu, an African themed restaurant. 

After our meal, we went shopping in Chinatown. Then we went home and chilled. 

Had takoyaki and sushi for dinner. 

After our meal, we then book our trip to Australia. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Success journal 524: negative equity

 I am spending more than I make. This thought is dangerous 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Success journal 523: Jayden has rashes

 Left work around 1900hrs, straight to kk women and children hospital. Accompanied Jenny and Jacob for Jacob's body rash. He has been a poor boy; I hope he will be stronger this time. 

Check out around 2200hrs, had late dinner with Jenny at home, we were both exhausted and slept around 0000hrs. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Success journal 522: Kota Kinabalu home bound

 It has been two and a half years. Since I last went back to KK. 

Last Friday morning, I sent Jenny and two kids to Changi airport, and they took an earlier flight. I wasted a lot of money on this trip. However, this trip is emotional, and I cannot afford to have any mistakes in between. Grateful for the idea, Jenny supported me in going back to KK with the kids. I nearly give up flying back due to all this stress. Glad we go ahead with the decisions. 

Bought subway, being grateful for my current situation, things are going good. Stable job, healthy body, supportive parents, aunty Jo and Shaun. 

Day 1 (Friday) 

I took a later flight, 1810hrs, and reached KK around 2110hrs. Shaun and mum fetched me from the airport. We then gathered together at home and connected over tea and cakes. 

Day 2 ( Saturday) 

Saturday Morning, we had breakfast in 88, gathering 2. Had Hong Kong noodles, dad seems to know someone around the eating places nowadays, and Shaun is becoming more extroverted. After breakfast, Jenny and I brought Jacob to Dr Tan, PD in Lintas, and we went to Yen Ai for my favourite drink. After Yen Ai, we went home to relax before our road trip to Bundu Tuhan. 

Around 1300hrs, we left KK and headed to Bundu Tuhan; it was a two and a half hours journey. I drove the Honda, and we struggled to find the place because the address wasn't shown clearly, and people around the area couldn't identify the place. 

Just before I reached the place, I accidentally drove the car off the road and causing the car to get stuck. Shaun brought our family members back to safety and sought help. A guy came and assisted us in getting back to safety. I tipped him 50 for his assistance. 

After the incident, we checked in the chalet, unpacked and went out to tour the area. Trying to find food. We ended up having our dinner at mount Borneo. After our meal, we went to Bataras to shop for some stuff. Back to the chalet, relax, drink some beer and chill. 

Day 3 ( Sunday) 

The morning view is fantastic. Took a few photos with the family, and we had breakfast in the chalet. Dad cooked eggs and a burger for us which is very rare. Took a photo of him with the grill. 

After our breakfast and packing stuff,  We drove to 89 stations for our early brunch. The meal is good. After our meal, we went to desa dairy farm. Long queue, but we made it. Saw a few calves and goats in the Pen. Took a few lovely photos and we travelled fo the spring garden, a beautiful place with loads of flowers and a river. We chilled around the area for a bit, and then we had a meal together in H Benjamin. 

Left kundasang around 1615hrs and reached KK around 1830hrs. We went straight home, settled Jacob and brought Jenny out for a meal in Lintas. We had the Jia Xiang noodles. It was good, but the price had been jacked up for quite a bit. Went back home and brought my family out for tea time. Had Hokkien mee. 

Day 4 (Monday) 

Had breakfast in Suria, the Sandakan noodles place. Reached there around 1000hrs, and it was filled very quickly upon opening. Jacob cried very severely, and we forgot Jacob's bag. Shaun offered to drive home and bring it back to us. That is very nice of him. We shopped for a while in Suria and bought some stuff. Went back home for a short nap as Jacob was not feeling well. 

After our nap, we drove to berringis for Jenny and Jayden horse riding. My parents are not comfortable with me. Asked me to drive them to paper. After horse riding for 1730hrs, we went to the nearest restaurant for a seafood fix. I paid rm300 for it. 

After seafood, we went straight home and rested. 

Day 5. 

Woke up at 0645hrs and went to airport T1. Left KK around 0930hrs.