Monday, September 4, 2023

Success journal 793: Detoxing, burning fat, changing mindset, set goals, review them

I am watching my diet, my fat percentage is coming down. Grateful for this. 

I am spending time working on my roster and improving my productivity for lifelong improvement. 

Printed a new set of goals and adjusted my reminder. 

I just need to improve from there to set reminders and schedule to constantly remind myself for a swim with my kids 

Rebounding and setting up atomic habits for myself to be more efficient 

Mindset for myself. Eat less than I burn, spend less than I make, invest the difference and be efficient with time. 

Spent some good quality time with my boy 

I also got connected with my brother yesterday about the company issue part. We lost 700k last year, which is unbearable and difficult to continue. The next challenge for me is to tackle the difficult conversation with my family. Have to put things on the table. 

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