Sunday, May 26, 2013

Clubbing at SG with Miss J

All started at MBS tower 3, I walked towards the security with Ken and Fatty near the lifts to Skypark. The security stopped us, and would not let us go. As there is a dress code, for the event tonight. We tried our luck and eventually could not go in a group.

I decided to go on my own as miss J and her friend had been waiting on top for us. I told Ken and Fatty that I will be joining them after a quick drink with Miss J and her friend. When I took the lift, I guess my heart beat somehow quicken a bit. I somehow feel that the lift travelled really quickly, as from 1st storey to 57th storey seems to be too fast. I somehow wasn't ready for it. When the door opens, I walked straight to the toilet. Maybe is because of the pressure up there is slightly different that I need to take a pee the moment I reached 57th floor. 

I was looking for Miss J around Skypark, there are two places on top. One is Kudeta Resturant and another is Club Lounge. They were waiting in the Club Lounge. I was a bit excited the moment I hear the music beats as fast as my heart. I was trying to search for Miss J and eventually saw her with another friend next to her. 

I bought a few drinks and we eventually moved to One Fullerton Over Easy to look for Ken and Fatty. By that time, we were rather tipsy already. I guess the time is around 1 a.m. I guess the night is still young. 

We had some chicken wings and Moet at over easy and also shared some stupid banters all night long. I guess Ken had been a good entertainer. He bought two special drinks for the birthday girl. Miss W and also had a few pictures together. We then set off to Butter Factory. 

Inside butter factory with the influence of alcohol. We danced all night until 5 am in the morning.

It was good fun! 

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