Monday, March 31, 2014

Key word for 2014-Automated Income

Automated income is the key word for 2014.

I re read book by Tim Ferris, the 4 hour work week, it was fascinating. In fact, I guess to some extent, this the methodology he did it is somehow duplicable.

Implementation is key.
How could I execute it perfectly over the course of my life would involved every single actions I take today. The motive is not about earning hell loads of money, but to create a simple source of automated income. This could somehow free up my time and allows me to do things I enjoy the most.

I will need to define things that are most crucial to me, and spend most of my resources on it, generating passive income is the one. What are my plans and also actions for 2014 would be crucial for my future.

So I have got my share position in placed, all I need to do now is to go into property, and prepare a simple online business. This would be a strategy of mine to achieve automated source of income by the age of 35. So cutting all this crap, let's see some of the actions that are on going.

  • Started website for Summit kinabalu
  • Liaise with Gary mason for Spitting image art
  • Invested in stock market and options
  • Properties hunting
  • Start monitoring simple businesses in KK
I will break down all of these actions into smaller ones when I have got time and will explain every single journey I took for automated income. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Chicken and Egg

So Saturday has been half day training with the company about our operation team.

Some of the actions I have done for the past few days.

I have created a website for dad's shop, a linkedIn account etc, and relisted item on ebay.

Apart from that, I have shifted my gym routine to more weight lifting instead of just running, on top of that, I start to swim at least 3 times a week, which was suppose to be every night due to the hazy conditions recently.

On top of that, I have proof read Miss J"s CV and cover letter as well..

I also sent a letter to my dad's project coordinator to get more resources about our companies latest policy and drafted on excel what information are crucial for the website together with miss J.

This will be an interesting journey. :)

I am trying to break the chicken and egg cycle, for some occasion, it is crucial for us to jump into it and take action first.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Action of the day

I signed up with hostgator.

One small step for me into internet business, glad that I have made it after struggling with starting the first step.

So what is next,

Download wordpress and start getting some free theme.

 I am so excited. :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Yesterday I had a quick chat with friends about CEO in corporate world nowadays.

They use their limited time, knowledge, experience and network, to leverage on other people's time, knowledge, experience and network. PERIOD.

Simple as that.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Moving in together by end of March 2014

So, miss J and I have finally found a place to move in, it is a small room at Novena neighbourhood.
 It is one of the cheaper ones we could find which fits into both our budget.

House hunting wasn't easy for us, I guess Miss went through at least 15 units already before we managed to find a suitable ones.

There are a lot of variables to consider when a couple decided to move in to a place together. I guess so far, it wasn't a pleasant experience for me. However, on the bright side, these would be the leanest manner to see if she would be the right one. As we would spend more time together in the future and learn a lot more things about ourselves as a couple.

By the end of March, we will be living together as a couple, seeing each other every single day and survive in this concrete jungle.

As an engineer, I always like to list down things to consider when we co-habit.

  • My relationship is going to change- This is inevitable, I will be seeing her more often and things are not as exciting as before
  • Sex life will change- That is definitely for sure. No question ask
  • House chore - This is probably one of the issue that we need to discuss before moving in together as a couple
  • Finance- A lot of things are tied down together as a couple already. We need to have a shared fund. How do we share or split our expenses.
  • Is our lifestyle compatible? 
  • How do we deal with our conflicts?
  • Do we still have our personal life?
I always take this as a life changing event, this action would alter the entire course of my life. It could probably be the largest decision I have made this year. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

1st week of March

It is amazing how quickly time flies, just like that I have passed another week, so a quick recap on things I have done last week.

I went to Suzie's place for pictionary and awesome dinner. We had baked fired rice, charsiew, popcorn and some serious fun. Hanging out with them at home is just awesome. Our next meeting shall be on 13/4/2014.

I went to swimming for at least 20 laps a session on a 20m pool on a daily basis. I have also booked my holiday which is to Melaka for our good Friday, I also understand more about affiliate marketing.

On top of that, we found a place to stay in Novena, it is a landed property and is a room for two. I am looking forward to move in. The landlord, Roger Lim, owns a few landed properties in Singapore. It was a good chat with him on that night, and it is awesome to have someone who has become a millionaire through properties. He drove the smallest car, and dress the simplest shirt ever. One of his properties could fetch SGD 25k rental per month, as he is a humble person. I feel honoured to be able to live in one of his properties and learn a little bit more about him.

As on Sunday, when I have got a strong fever and also diarrhoea, Miss J took care of me, she brought me to my favourite place, Kopitiam for dimsum and take care of my body temperature. I feel blessed to have someone take care of me when I am weak. However, time shall not be waste, and while I am on my cooling pad on my forehead, I was doing research on properties in Mekati city with Mau on Sunday, and met another property agent called Brendon Er on Monday immediately after Mau explained to me that this might be a good investment potential.

As for this coming week, I can foresee it will be another awesome ahead, I am joining a bunch of good friends for a night yachting on 14/3/2014. I am looking forward towards it now. That would be the highlight of my weekend. On top of that, I have got another internet marketing talk to attend on this coming Wednesday and another investment seminar to attend on Thursday.

Last but not least, I will be going to a property road show in MBS convention ballroom on saturday and a beautiful lunch with Miss J on Sunday.

Looking forward towards it now.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mini goals or to do list for March 2014

I would like to list down a few things for March 2014.

Basically just one week after a start of March, things I have done, invested in companies and left it untouched. I am sleeping well market has got a lot of noise. That is the most difficult part.

I contacted with Affordable art fair and also liaise with them regarding setting up a booth for Gary. 

I attended a few seminars including, affiliate marketing, meet the masters: Thomas Andrew president of Ogilvy and also lean startup circle. I even joined as a member too.

I also revived my ebay account , and would be sourcing for more things to sell. Looking excited on this part. 
So what is next?

By end of this month, things I would want to achieve would be: 

  1. Lose 3 kilos of fat- By cutting down on my meal and gym more often. I need to prepare for my 21km run in April. Swim 30 minutes a day until 22/3/2014 and gym at least 45 minutes a day from Monday to Friday, and 2 hours training session with Miss J at the end of the week at gym. Spinning and body combat class. 
  2. Prepare my holiday in April- Probably to go back KK with Miss J. 
  3. Go for a night yatch with good friends- This is probably for a friend's (Miss S) party around 14/3/2014
  4. I am thinking to be able to understand more about affiliate marketing, whether if is still the mainstream or has been outdated. I would need to spend at least 2 hours on reading topics related to it every week. 
  5. Think about what to do for april while swimming at night
  6. Read annual report 2012 for Ping An by End of this March
  7. Re read 4 hours work week by end of this month and take action. 
  8. Know more about properties in Philippines,
  9. Study more about Makati city over the weekends. Spend at least 2 hours on it. 
  10. Apply for Singapore PR, this is important by next week. Spend two hours in the morning of both first two weeks of March for this. 
  11. Attend a property seminar by end of this Month. 

Monday, March 3, 2014


A brief summary of my failures in life. There are all very very precious to me. 

  • 2003-2004:I failed to pass my A-level exam, I retake A-level when I was 18, it took me additional half year for it.
  • 2010: I failed to be the champion playing for mix double in Malaysia Nottingham games while I am in Nottingham. It was the closest I could get to my tournament life. It was devastating. 
  • 2010: I couldn't get a job after I graduated from University of Nottingham. 
  • 2011: I went into depression, a year which I couldn't cope after hunting for job in London. I lost 15 kilos in total. I was working more than 60 hours a week. 
  • 2013: I failed at my closest social entrepreneurship Startup with a bunch of good friends. Pet Rangers
  • 2014: I wonder what would it be.