Sunday, March 20, 2022

Success journal 492 Jacob PCR +

 It will be a long post 

Last week, after a series of childcare leave, urgent leaves and off in lieu. 

Mainly is because my family got Covid. Jenny, Jayden and Jacob. 

The hardest part to take is Jacob. He is unvaccinated, and he is only six months old. It is heartbreaking to see him with breathing difficulties. Brought him to KK Hospital, and he was confirmed to be positive ok the 18th of March 2022. I went my eyes when I heard that he was positive from a swabber in KK hospital's makeshift children's emergency clinic. 

When I broke the news to Sally, she didn't hesitate to carry Jacob. Her act touches me, and I share the news with Jenny. 

The good thing is I get to spend more time with the family and get to take care of them. It shows that I am putting my family first. 

Alibaba gained 32% in one day 

Sold off all my stocks in Singapore. Made around 150% profit. 

Tracking it is how I grow my portfolio. 

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