Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Success journal 499

 Left work around 1830hrs yesterday, took the MRT to meet Jenny and jayden in junction 8. 

I reached there slightly earlier and waited for them from the library. Jenny brought a bag of books from the library, and I immediately took it from her. I also searched a few restaurants for Jenny fo choose from. We decided fo go for a conservative option. Ding Tai Fung. In hindsight, it is Jayden's favourite. We ordered four dishes, and it cost us like 60++. Very pricey indeed. After our meal, I immediately initiate to leave for the challenger, as we will get one nest so that Jayden can ask questions. Alan mainly influences this.  

We left junction 8 around 2045hrs and reached home rather quickly. 

Took a shower and test out our Nest. 

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