Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Success journal 519: Revolution of our times

 I was off to hang out with aunty Jessica; she shared that

1. Gabriel had a salary cut for one year of  80%

2. Joanna was made redundant because of covid 

3. Private hospital for one month costs about 100k++ 

4. Gabriel sold his car 

We spent about 80++ for a meal of 3. Jayden enjoyed the meal. Too bad it is a bit too late for him. She brought us three mangos 

After the meal, we went home, and Jayden went to his Chinese class while I went to vivocity to meet Jenny and Friends 

After our meal at brozteit, we watched a private screening in GV, the revolution of our times. Tear-jerking movie. 

After our meal we went to eat tapas club, which is bad

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