Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Success journal 597: half day off to support my family

I seldom take off for my kids, despite all the childcare leave, which I used while my helper was not around. 

Yesterday I took half day of annual leave to bring Jacob to his vaccination in toa payoh

We sent Jayden to school and called a taxi to the polyclinic. I took the queue number with my phone. Pushing the limit of technology. 

When we reached the polyclinic, our queue number was on the missed list. Waited for a while. 

Jacob had a low-temperature fever in the morning. The nurse nearly rejected us for the immunisation jab. MMR dose one and chicken pox dose 1. 

He took one jab on each of his shoulders. The immunisation cost zero as he is a Singaporean. How lovely. 

Took a taxi home and took Jacob to Thomson playground. He was very cheerful and played with himself. He also learned how to stand and clapped his hands. 

When is around 1045hrs, I went to fetch Jayden.

Along the way, we chatted, which was very entertaining. We went to United Square, and I bought some bread for him. He wanted breadtalk instead of the proofer. Damn boy. I bought breadtalk for him. 

We walked home and had lunch together. Left for work around 1230hrs 

I left work around 7 pm, took a bus back and reached home to join the family at home around 1930hrs. Connected with Jenny while I was having my shake and also an avocado meal. 

We chatted for the rest of the day and slept.

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