Monday, September 26, 2022

Success journal 601: Family day and connecting with my secondary friends

Wake up with Jenny having neck pain. I took Jayden to school, brought Jacob to buy some croissants from Kamome and let Jacob play in the playground. 

Connecting with him and stuff. He prefers the mat floor to the grass. 

He can climb up the red slides now

I then brought him back home and had breakfast with Jenny. 

After my breakfast, I took a taxi to Charles's wedding. Haven't seen them for ages. Good to connect with them again. 

Brief solemnisation in private patio had lunch in a nearby ramen place. 

After that, I did some groceries and brought them home via taxi. 

After they are awake, I then fetch Jayden from Chinese class. I brought Jacob with me. Saw Jayden with another boy called han in the Chinese class. 

I brought rugby and also badminton to Thomson playground so that they could burn some energy. 

I met Han and his dad; his dad came to chat with me. We did a good solid chat for a while. It was mind-opening to understand people's strategies. He also mentioned that he knew some people who pulled strings so their kids could get in. 

After our conversation, I quickly share it with Jenny. 

After our meal, we went to velocity to accompany Jenny for her neck treatment. She sprained her neck after an intense sport yesterday. At the same time, I hang out with Jayden. Spent some excellent one-to-one sessions with him. We went to read some books in a bookstall. 

After our 

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