Sunday, October 9, 2022

Success journal 608: Saturday family day

Woke up at 0730hrs. Had a coffee in the morning while Jayden had his breakfast. 

We then went to Jacob Ballas; it was ok initially, but then people started to come in, and coaches' crowded the park. 

We left the park immediately. We had our breakfast at McDonald's. Rather a rare occasion. Bought some stuff from cold storage, and we went back home. 

I cook instant noodles for the family. It was rather satisfying. We then took a nap and went to the orchard to meet Catherina and her sister Eddie. 

Initially, the situation is a bit tense, but then it was alright after a few runs, rides and cakes. 

After our cake time in baker brew, we then bid farewell to them and went to Takashimaya. 

The shopping scene is overwhelming. Jenny bought a Japanese brand of shoes for work. 

I left for badminton in Sengkang right after she bought her shoes. 

I played badminton until 2200hrs and took a cab home which cost me $18. 

Had my late meal, connected with Jenny and slept at 0030hrs. 

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