Sunday, October 30, 2022

Success journal 621: Catching up friends, badminton and my own life

I hope things are not too late; been catching up with friends and myself lately. 

Woke up tidying up my shelf and stuff. Spring cleaning and clearing some of the clothing from my wardrobe. 

Have bread, dinner quick lunch while clearing my bills. 

Met aunty Michelle for lunch and tea. 

We went shopping for a bit in PLQ and Kinex. After that, I went to Joo Chiat for badminton. Forgot to bring shuttles, so can start early. Played a few good rounds with them. We also get to have some exchanges between the games, which is like real friends 

After our game, we went to sushiro and had a good meal and time with my friends. Ted, CCY, Kerwin and CA. 

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