Monday, October 10, 2022

Success journal 609: every cent counts

I have to control my budget. 
Keep it very, very tight. 

Like how I watch my weight which I think I have failed, I need to tighten it and build healthy habits. 

Yesterday I left work early so I could spend more time with my family. 

I took a bus and left around 4 pm. Reached home around 430pm. We then leave the house for Sentosa Palawan beach for the heart event. Tickets from Allen. 

They barricaded the area and set up a few tents around for activities for the family. I wish we could have spent more time together as a family for live performances, painting and smell activities. They also provided some buns and drinks. 

After the activities, we then took the monorail and went back to vivocity. 

We had KFC in vivocity, about 20++ for the family, which is very affordable. We started this thought together as a family to save every single cent we could so we could buy a 2m property. Our goals just got bigger and bigger over time. It's good and aligns the family to saving money mode. There is a limit to how much we can save. 

After our meal, we took public transport back home. 

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