Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Take Off!

This is the moment, my last examination. These exams will definitely determine what will my life be for the next 10- 20 years. After these examinations, it's like a baby bird, taking its' 1st flight. To test my wings, embarking to the journey of life by anticipating every events that come. For better or worse, I will have to take this journey,


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Free and Easy in Paris

A 3-day relax itinerary which best to travel with family.

I have planned this trip beforehand, and I always try not to over plan, as over planned a trip may cause unnecessary restrictions.

Day 1

Reach Gare du Nord (the central station of Paris) by 12 o clock. We will be travelling around Paris with Metro, as Paris is a wonderful place to explore by foot and the unlimited day pass is very expensive so I've decided to buy a book of T+ tickets (€11.60). Remember to ask for a tube map from the counter, as the map will be useful.

Once settled in the hotel (a 3 star hotel rate is about €30 per person per night), we set off to Eifel Tower about 4.00pm, to catch the sunset and the night view of Paris. The queue lasted for about an hour, and to reach to the top of Eiffel Tower would cost an adult €13.00 euro. It was winter; so on the top of the Eiffel tower would easily reach minus 2 degrees. Therefore Extra clothing is highly recommended during December. When travelling back to the hotel, we tried to avoid peak hour, as this would increase the chances of being nabbed.

A fine dining in France would cost about €25 per person; it would be more expensive if you eat around landmarks.

Day 2

We woke up at about 10am, had a quick brunch in McD around Pigalle (dodgy area) metro station. One Big Mac Meal in Paris is about €7.60; I would say McD is the safest option for budget travellers. From Pigalle, we took metro to Charles de Gaulle Etoile, which is the nearest metro station to the Arc de triumphe. From there, we spent the whole day shopping around Champs Elysees (Paris’s High Street). It’s like KL’s Bintang Walk, Singapore’s Orchard Road and London’s Oxford Street. Make sure to go for a loo whenever you see a McD, as a toilet elsewhere would cost you €1.00 - €1.50.

Day 3

It snowed, we took pictures, and had brunch in McD, and then we went to the Lourve by Metro (Nearest Metro station: Palais Royal Musée du Louvre). We spend half a day there, and another half a day In La-fayatte which is like KL’s KLCC and London’s Harrods. We did buy some chocolate there; I think probably that is the only affordable item for me in that building, as a chocolate may cost €94 per 100 grams here.

Day 4

We took the earliest train from Paris to London St Pancras.

I personally feel that this is a simple and relaxing trip for families which cost roughly around €300-€400 pp.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Internet Trading

I started internet trading just a few weeks ago; I started this trading with a bad experience. Internet trading is full of scams and fake stuff. Be a wise internet traders. Good luck.

And I learned a few lesson from all these trading.

  • I learned that i need to know how to spot a fake item before I buy it, as sometimes the seller would not know whether their item is Fake. However, most of them would know, but they would just pretend that they don’t.
  • Check the seller, even the seller has a good rating. The item may be bad.
  • Do not buy impulsively. When I got my 1st payment, I was overwhelmed and bought a few stuff at once. 2 out of 3 transactions turn out to be a massive disaster. Even I dealt with good ratings seller.
  • Some seller would create a few accounts to bid on their stuff, to make it higher. If somehow their own alternative account won the bid, they will proceed with a method called 2nd chance bidder, which is the 2nd highest bidder (the real bidder) would win the bid. And the real bidder would have to fork out more money instead. (Be careful with 2nd Chance Offer)

I poured some of my hard earned money down the drain for this lesson, Hopefully this post would help someone without any experience with the internet trading.Especially E-bay.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Unleash the seal

Until I am hit by something, I would not know how much people cares about me.
My family, friends and Fie, they are always there for me whenever i am down, sad and stress.
This post is to show my gratitude to them.

For the past 2 weeks, I have been put under a tremendous amount of pressure. Coursework, Badminton Competitions, Work, Dissertations. They all come together, time is the limiting resources. However, just a few hours ago,all these tremendous burden were off my shoulder.It happens so quickly, that I could feel a surge of pressure from myself. Fighting against my flesh pushing all these inner force out of my body.

This is probably a side effect of sealing my stress, sealing my emotions to myself, like a Crab, hiding himself in a hard shell.

It's hard for me to explain how I feel at the moment, hopefully this picture could explain it.

Imagine that the pressure in the atmosphere is less than the pressure inside the sealed bottle. This bottle would just go BURST.
Thanks to those who kept my cap open, so I could stay equilibrium with the atmosphere.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Road trip

A trip to Bolton for a graduate assessment scheme with Colas Ltd, this is a picture of the car that we rented for 2 days

Then with Eddie & Fie, We stayed in Eddie's place for a night, right after the graduate assessment scheme. He gave us a warm hearted welcome with his home-made Tiramisu.

Scrumptious 'Habanero' Burger from GBK ( Gourmet Burger Kitchen) in Liverpool
Student discount is available from student beans.
Highly recommended.

Bull ring, Birmingham.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Alicante, Spain

This is what Alicante is famous for.
The environment in Alicante is quite similar to Kota Kinabalu which is also a city with beautiful beaches. Except Alicante is abit more expensive compare to Kota Kinabalu.
A Big Mac here would easily cost €3-€4.

Haircut in Spain. €17.

Relaxing Seaview from Alicante's Castle.

Squid Ink Paellas. A typical Spanish food.
It cost €12 per person.
Worth to try.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Summer Trip 09

1st stop, Prague. People are nice, things are cheap.
Personally, I like Prague more compare to Paris. Prague is definitely a good place for students.
affordable and traveller friendly.

This is how we manage our Fund at night. So we don't over Spent

This is the best meal in our Entire trip.
Highly Recommended. We paid £10 ish for a proper fine dining.
Fama Restaurant
Vladislavova 18, 110 00 Praha 1, Praha, Czech Republic.

Our bus to Germany, Munich. With the ISIC card, this is the cheapest options to travel around.

Dunkel, Germany's Dark Beer.

Radler, a typical chick's drink in Germany.
Taste like Shandy in Malaysia.

Relaxing in one of the Beer Garden with German Sausages. Basically, we drank beer every single beer. Somehow, it's like a German version of Iced Tea.

The BMW Headquarters. The visit is worthwhile, as they introduce their technologies to everyone for free. We spent 1 whole day in the building.

My travel mates, xD. I am grateful to have such a good companions during this entire journey.

Lucern, Switzerland. Where you can see beautiful lakes, Snow Mountains and Branded goods.

On our journey up to 'Top of Europe'

Versailles, Paris.

Eiffel Tower @ Night.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day at work

As i missed my flight to kk, I started to miss Kota Kinabalu so much already because I'm well aware that i will probably not going back for another year. It was a melancholy experience to say at least, but now i am trying to get over it by blogging the good stuff that i experience here.

I am learning Basic Accounting with my uncle.(To earn some pocket money in the same time. xD)

My day started with a hot shower at 8am in the morning for about half an hour.
After my comfy shower, i would make myself A slice of Toast(on Atkins' diet) with Peanut Butter and honey. And of course, a cup of white Yorkshire's Tea.

I start working at about 9 o'clock, and i will spend most of my time punching Calculators, Excel, checking up Bills, photocopying bills and those an interns would normally do in an office. When the clock strikes 2, lunch would gave me a call. we( me and 2 of my colleague) would pack all the documents away immediately, and start preparing our lunch in the kitchen. Sometimes they would just bring lunch box to work, But most of the time they would just make sandwiches in the kitchen. Normally, I would just do what the Romans do.

After half an hour break, we would get back to work quickly, and from here we would work till 6 O'clock afternoon(my colleague could sit there for hours without talking). I am very impressed with their ability to sit on one place punching the calculator for hours, without feeling tired.
They are definitely clever and hardworking. I know one of them studied a Degree in Imperial College, London.

Although this work has nothing to do with my field of study. But this work disciplines myself to work with someone else and to suppress my ego, before i actually dive into a real working society.

Many thanks to Uncle George & Aunt Sharon

To Jason

I am writing you this mail, is because you have missed your flight from Heathrow to Kota Kinabalu on the 11th of August 12:00. Due to your irresponsible actions, it's something that couldn't be reverted.

I am very disappointed with your act, Although you dad supported your actions for staying back in UK this summer, but the aftermaths of missing a flight is similar to the aftershock of an earthquakes to your Family & Friends. Waves after waves, they were utterly showered with disappointment

As a conclusion, I understand that going back to Malaysia with another ticket is not an options anymore. So my suggestion for you is that you utilize the remaining wonderful summer in a good manner. To sharpen your saw or whatever that you are doing

Friday, June 19, 2009

a weekend in Paris,

It all started last day of our trip, In the magical love city. When we were climbing the stairs to the second floor of Eiffel tower. where i offered myself to pull her up Eiffel tower. But right after we reach the top, I didn't let go my hand. I keep on holding her small hand.
It was quite a moment for me as i am enjoying the breathtaking view of Paris and to explore this indescribable relationship on top of the Eiffel tower. Adrenaline was all over my body.
Eiffel tower

her tiny hand

Friday, June 5, 2009

Post Exam.

Just woke up from a fulfilling sleep, although is after exam, there is still something in me. it seems that I've not completed my exam. probably it's because i wish to sit for more exam. As i am disappointed with my previous paper. So i wish to sit for more exams to lower down the weightage mark of the papers.. Damn disappointed.
So i will be away for 10 days, a short break after the exam is good, but a trip with wonderful buddies is just priceless. I would say to experience new things together, it's a good way to forge a long lasting friendship.
Back to the title, right after my Exams...
This is Alex from hong kong. He is intelligent, outgoing and smart. He can skipped all the classes, and still manage to get a 1st class in his double degree course. He is now travelling all over europe. From him I learnt alot of hong kong cultures, they way they converse is much more different than Malaysian. I won't say it's better or worst, it's just different. But i think the more i understand the culture of a country, the more i like it there.
He will be visiting Malaysia this coming august! Hope he will have fun!

it's a sketch of my chubby left hand

I will keep in touch with you guys in 10 days..
My brother's birthday is coming soon.
Happy birthday brother!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Exam Week

It's my exam week, a week where i buldged my stomach. Crarving for snacks all the time.
Anyway, here are some of pictures for the week.
Overflowing text, My room is in a big mess. with notes scattered around
War buddies. It's about 20 minutes before exam.
We took a taxi to school and Chai Ann found out that she left her precious notes and calculator at home! It was a chaotic state for her that time. Although it's funny to look back at the picture of this but hopefully all these situation will not affect our results. (finger crossed)
I love heinz.
I've been evil lately.

A meal @ sillitoe court.

A video of our study break. Ken is cooking while we are taking video of this.
hooting with buddies, wivinia (the girl on the right) just reach Nottingham from Malaysia.
It's nice to see her here.
herbal tea from eeffie, That is really sweet. Thx
Tingting(a.k.a magician & chef)
After the 3 days of intense exams. we had a farewell party for her in La Tasca. She cooked meals and meals of wonderful Chinese cuisine for us during our exam period. and also entertain us from time to time with her interesting magic talent, fashion show and some explosive behaviour :)
Sangria, Spanish wine punch. Sweet fruity smell..
Although it's abit overprice here, but still, the taste is unique!

And some badminton.
Credits to Andrew Murphy and Qian.
they became my stress reliever.
And I manage to ask 3 of my war buddies(ken, ann & tingting) to watch Angel & Demon with me. Although Ken slept through the entire movie, but i would say it's beautifully filmed. Love it
Things to do next week,
  1. To resume reading 'The love of my life', which i started to read before my exam.
  2. To attend Alex's Farewell
  3. Book a budget air ticket to Norway with my Mom. To bring her backpacking. :)
  4. Apply for a non-competitive scholarship,
  5. Ready a cv for coming job recruitment.
  6. And finally, I will be leaving to Czech Republic saturday to eat something different. :)
I am so excited, for the week to come.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hallward (updated)

I am sorry, I accidentally published a draft.
This is the proper post.
This post is about the library that i am going lately.
We got 2 libraries in the main campus which is George Green library and Hallward library.. 
George green library is for engineering  while hallward is for the law. 
I would say Macbooks, Iphones, Branded School bag (they use LV bag to carry their notes and Macbook, wth!) and a cup of coffee from the cafeteria, is a trend here.
Apart from all that, I love hallward. Going to the library is never the same again. the atmosphere the library created is just incredibly amazing.  

Inside Hallward

They study there for hours. (on the floor)

Fresh Air

Mentos and Boots' Candy (paracetamol)
It's more relaxed to study in such a good environment. 
I got a favourite place to study, where water refill is nearby, air ventilation is good, the table is big enough for all my humongous files, 
and the best bits?
Hallward library is full of  blondes, 
Talking is equivalent to breathing for them, the moment they stop talking, they stop living.
But anyway, they are architecturally pleasant and never fail to soothens my tiring eyes, every intervals. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I hesitated, 
This is going to cost my parent £2000
For not making up my mind earlier, to apply for the scholarship as soon as possible.
I never knew i was eligible for any scholarship, which I needed to apply. Shit
it's too late for the application now.
Lesson learnt, 
Apply as soon as possible

Monday, May 11, 2009

Badminton social

From right, Bernard, Brian teo, Maevy, Gian, Jamie, Andy.
A quick lunch with Baddies in Ross & Crown before the exam starts. 
I had a lager of shandy and chicken tikka Marsala in a typical English pub. The curry goes really well with the chips. 
I paid £6 for the meal,  although the portion of the food is merely decent, but with it's chilling atmosphere i would say it's reasonably cheap.

Jamie with his Emo Hat. and it's his birthday today..
Happy birthday Jamie.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


2 years 5 months 1 day and 14 hours


I let her go. 

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am so proud of this run, 
It's  a 10km run, i complete it within an hour and it's all because of the lovely crowd and environment here. Especially those cheering from uncles & aunties along the run. They made me complete this 10km mind game.
It's a weird combination of pain & pleasure.. 

Marrow run mate(Ann's supervisor's husband, Ann's supervisor, Ann,me, Daniel, Jason khara,Vinh and tom). 
Eva is there too, she crosses the finish line with me.
I would like to dedicate this run to my secondary school (TTSS). 
The cross country i never manage to complete in time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

oh, spring

With the atmosphere here, Girls would just fall in love easily.
Good for guys. :) 

Even the wild grass... Sexy
Back to reality, a simple Korma chicken rice with Naan, £3.50.