Wednesday, May 14, 2008


About my today's paper, i think i am over-confident... but this is one of the best exam that i have taken in this uni.. i feel satisfied.. not because that i will score for that paper, But because it is structures and materials.. i don't know when i started to fell in love with structures..
i could not believe that i had offcially finished my 2nd year course. it really seems like i just started my 1st day in school yesterday, Everything is still very fresh in my mind... Housemate, coursematess.. I went to Sing K with some of my coursematesss today.. All guys, and we still managed to sing FIR's and yu heng's song..haha... We had a long journey,we take a 45 minutes bus from Campus to Kajang, then a 10 to 15 minutes ktm to bandar tasik selatan, and a 20 minutes lrt to hang tuah.. and a 15 minutes walk to times Square.. is like journey to the west.. But of course.. we had a lot of laughter along the way.. We had a lot of pictures along the way(imagine that guys taking picture along streets) and we claimed our self as tourist.. i Had alot of fun today, i really enjoy it.

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