Monday, April 10, 2023

success journal 695: Easter weekend 2023

Easter Friday 
Went to Yuyen place for easter egg hunting and lunch. The kids liked it. 

After lunch, we went home for a nap; Matthew and Markus came to our place for a playdate. 

Went to the ruck and rumble rugby tournament organized by Titan. 

TRC got 3rd. Ahead of centaurs 

After Rugby, we went to McDonald's and Pokemon games. Took a nap, and we went to Iris's place for swimming and food. 

I cooked breakfast for the family, did some paperwork, and bought prune juice for Jacob, who had constipation. 

After a short nap, I went for my badminton 3 hours session. 

After my Badminton, I joined the family and Jenny's cousin and her husband in the Newton food center. Becky and David. 

Jayden had fun with them.

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