Thursday, April 13, 2023

Success journal 698: Bonding with Jenny, parents and my kids. Stock baba

It is incredible how much time I spent with Jenny after work. 

Came home for dinner and had dumplings and meat. After our meal, we went out for dessert in Square 2.

We shared about our exciting lives while having a terrible matcha snowflakes 

I am grateful that I can connect with my family on weekdays evenings nowadays. 
It is precious. 

I also called my parent in the afternoon to connect with them. Usually, my dad would share his job and daily life while my mum and I talked to her on the weekend. 

I also connect with my kids in the morning every day. I need to bond with them during this short morning period. 


As for my stocks, BABA started to drop after I bought them as expected. I am grateful that I entered with 50% of my war chest only. It is part of the money-making process. One thing I am pretty sure about is not to be emotional in stock investing. Some people are not built for stock investing. I have been investing in the stock market for ten years but have no money-making experience. I think because of the techniques or skills. 

How to do things are important 

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