Monday, August 7, 2023

Success Journal 770: Family Sunday, Jayden Judo graduation

The weekend was great, I got some rest on Saturday night while they went out to have dinner with Alexander and Gerda in Funan. When they come back from their dinner, I was called to work on Saturday last minute though. 

We then went out for a drink without the kids in Coffee beans. They got the promotion drinks and croissants with ham. 

The jizz is the connection I made with Jenny that night, catching up with her and listening to her. Last two weeks, she was a bit relaxed because her boss went away for 2 weeks. 

Sunday Morning 
We stayed the day tidying the house and preparing Jayden for his Judo graduation. Jayden got a certificate for this  

After Jayden's judo class, we went to Mira's Birthday in Shaw Plaza, which is about baking tiramisu together with Jayden's Friends. Luckily there is a small indoor playground around where I get to bond with Jacob for about 1 hour. 

Jayden seems to enjoy the sessions, and I took some videos of Jacob in the playground. I am not bringing my camera out since then. 

After the birthday party, we then have our lunch in xi men Jie, a Taiwanese eatery on the 4th floor of Shaw Plaza. The food was good. The price is very reasonable. I get to feed the whole family of 4 for like $36. 

We also spent some time together playing with robots in the mall, took a short taxi ride back home and rest. 

3 pm I took Jayden to I can read for about 1.5 hours. I could have done a lot more but I spent my time editing videos of my badminton sessions last week. I could have read more financial blogs and learned a lot more. I did follow a Singaporean blog called Assi I admire his self-talk and learned through some. I spent some time in Popular to read some chapters of some random books about cpf too. Seems like the Singapore bond is popular now. Around 3.9 to 4 per cent yield  

After fetching Jayden, I brought him back home and we do a relaxing movie night together. We watched a movie together, age of Ultron. And had kfc for dinner. I controlled myself with the chicken as I think I overeat in the afternoon. I save some space for Tiramisu baked by Jayden. 

After our dinner, we continue our movie night together until 10 pm. Took a shower together with Jayden and sleep that night. I could have read a short story for Jayden that night. Will improve with that. 

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