Friday, January 30, 2009

Had Group Project discussion today, 
Our title is about Whitewater Kayak! 
Don't like it at 1st, but after seeing our helpful lecturer, i think i am much more relieved!Perhaps is because of the 2 new group mates that joined us today, Jack & Con. They seems to be approachable and they are Greeks! 

Went for Business module today, econometrics(stats in a very business way)
Its my 1st day studying in jubilee campus, which is modern & artistic. Compare to our grumpy engineering building (60-70 years old i think), Its like Mona Lisa vs Avril Lavinge
Met Sarah and a friend from Malaysia on our way to a massive lecture theatre. Didn't talked much with them, as we were late for class. 
I didn't expect to have so many people in the room.of course, there were much more blonds in the class than girls in our class room! hahaha.. :) 
Good reasons to stay awake.

Went to jubilee campus for badminton social night out. Crowded, but did manage to play a few rounds of games! 
Of course, i filled up my waiting time on the other side of the sport centre. Cheerleaders. They were doing some moves. toe-touch jump, pike jump & Etc. They are mostly Blond, 

Walked back home with a newly met friend in hopper bus, Brian. 

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