Saturday, January 31, 2009

Serene farewell!

She is half Malaysian and Half Thai, grew up in Johor, studied in Singapore, citizen of Australia, and on an exchange scheme in Nottingham. Being nationally diversified, she is Serene. 
We had things in common, badminton, food, travel, language and she actually looks like Chai Ann. 
Birds of a feather flock together.

Went to fie's pent house for a quick dinners, boost and have fun for the whole night! 
I was drunk at the beginning of the boosting session, and end up sleeping the rest of the night.
After that we send her off in Broad marsh Bus-station.

Hmm, we had a typical farewell drama in the bus-station, it all started with Ken. 

Ken, called serene while she is just inside the bus

Shea yung was constantly worried about which terminal the bus will stops and the amount of luggage that she brought for check-in luggage  (50++kg). 
Chai Ann, sending off her identical twins, seems to be confused. But i think she experienced this before in US. 
Fie, sending her off as well, although they were just newly met.
me, holding my camera taking pictures for remembrance! :)



  1. My identical twin had left me...sob...

  2. sob sob.. me too :( but never mind. we will meet again one day! you yuan zai jian~~ wah.... i'm so proud of my chim chinese hahahhaz.
    and no need to worry bout my luggage la... i passed everything woo hoo :)
    Thanks for the send off.... so memorable and photographer.. you captured the moment perfectly! lol
