Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Paper #1

Technically I have just finished my 1st paper, and there are 3 more papers to come during this period of  10 days but instead of keep on studying; i granted myself a day out with Chai Ann, Ting Ting & Serene. We went shopping, domino-ing, iceland-ing and finally a leisure walk in the rain which I (as a typical cancerian) personally relish the walk the most, as the weather is just nice, drizzling and not too cold. After all the indulgence, its time for me to get back to reality again.

I couldn't study properly while my 23 inch wide screen is sitting in front, so i decided to ditch my wide screen at home to stay far away from the temptation; but end up in front of a larger screen in the library.

Bigger screen@ library

The library is massively crowded with notoriously noisy blonds and the thing which i don't understand is why they could wear incredibly less clothes to the library even during winter. Perhaps their purposes going to the library is to pull down the average of the university by showing off their greatest assets of all, which i admit, they did considerably a good job at it!

In a Nutshell, I am easily distracted.

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