Thursday, August 10, 2023

Success journal 772: Efficient with time

I am very lean with my time. Catch up with friends, start some small talk, support the group and connect. 

In the morning I went to Holland Village with Jenny and Jayden. We had brunch in bakers and cook. We then bought some stuff and I went to Ken's place for a meal, I ate less than usual. Trying to keep the eat less than I burn, and spend less than I make mantra at work. 

I ate a lot of celery yesterday. Aroundb1545, I called a cab and went home. Brought Jayden out for Badminton. 

We then played with our neighbour for a while. 

We had our dinner on hong kong street. We spent like 60++ for a meal together. I tried again the mantra Eat less than I burn. The challenge is on. I hope I didn't gain weight from the holiday as much. Three full meals a day, will keep me gaining weight 

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