Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Success Journal 781: Pushing the boundary and study with Jayden until 10 pm

I am pushing the boundary of my mental, physical and spiritual. 

At work and home  

With so many decisions to make every day is draining my will and ability to think. 
I am also encountering mental blocks when it comes to pushing all these boundaries I need to draw a line to it. Leave at 1830hrs for the family. 

After reaching home from work, I took a quick shower and a quick dinner. After my dinner, I quickly sit down with my son and we started to go through homework together we pushed through together to finish part of the English homework. 

I am completely knackered and I am sure he is too. We had a bit of snack in between. 

After the homework session, Jayden went to sleep while in continue to spend some time with Jenny. Reconciliation after our big fight over the weekend. 

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