Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool

As usual, today bernadette and i were late for class, when we reached class, there are only 2 students in the class and a lecturer, when i saw this, i check my time again and found that it was 9:10, where we were actually 10 min late, and the class still empty..So i decided to fool chai ann about the class is being cancelled and ask her if she would like to have breakfast together..after i sent her one message,then she told others about class being cancelled(omg).. by that time, i felt guilty for the lecturer for a while, as most of the students haven showed up yet.. Until Ting Ting called me and i told her that is just a Silly act on Chai ann.. There goes my April fool..

i attended the chinese cultural society, we recruited 200 people during that 3 days of recruitment.. congratulation to KOK Tien, the founders of the club, and during the meeting i was assigned to be the coordinator of the che ling thingy. when kok tien suddenly point me out and tell me that i will be responsible for the che ling thingy.. i was shocked when i hear this, as he never mention about this to me until when we are in the meeting. But anyway, i think i am the best candidates for this post...

I had Mac D for Dinner again...My housemates tapau for me, as they went for the movie "27 dresses"..Sook Fun(my housemate) commented that the movie is damn nice. But i am not tat into those kind of movies, about getting married de things.

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