Wednesday, January 28, 2009


When? -I am addicted to alcohols. Beer becomes not as bitter as i remember.
Yesterday in the middle of the class, i have a sudden urge for beer and I skipped the rest of the lectures(introductory lectures) for beers!
Went for a drink with Ken, SY, Serene, Chai Ann in their hall,
had Serene's thick Curry, Grilled prawns, SY home-made spaghetti and of course packets of beers. what a night.
SY and I had sofa talk till dawn, those heart to heart talk with someone from the same 'kampung' is just different. The accent that we shared, bring those memories back to me. Of course, 'Gong Lin Hwa' is the main essence of our conversation.  
Registered a Business Module today, wanted to study in somewhere different, away from my old engineering building. And to meet up different group of people. :) 
can't wait for the 1st lecture tomorrow. 
Went for badminton today, Bernard & I had a match with the Uni team (which i have been looking forward to for ages), I invited them for a friendly game, but i end up disappointed as they were bloody cocky! And they showed me those 'who the hell are you to play with us' faces from the beginning of the game! Although they played with us, they didn' show any friendly gesture for the entire game. 
Despite being looked down, we eventually won the 'unfriendly' match. 21-19. 

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