Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slept in serene & chai ann's flat for the past 2 days. Been steam boating for the past 2 consecutive days, i enjoy every part of it!
As usual, my relationship has been put on a test, just like my exam lately, where the examiners set the rules & regulations. A typical Long Distance Relationship's Drama happened, which the scripts are instantaneous and not pleasant at all. 
Scarlet (from china studying Phd) came to our house today had some tea before we leave together to a church meeting tonight, I enjoyed the meeting to bits of pieces. Sad to hear that Allen's family is going back Taiwan this coming 11th. Although allen once entered my room during his 1st visit to my house without actually asking my permission. I would still think him as a kind, and sweet and loving brother to have in church. As brother Allen has offered everything he possibly could to church, he got that strong passion for loving people.
Piin( my cousin), bake a chicken pie for the gathering tonight. I think i  helped him out, I prepared the potato, while he prepares the fillings for the pie. He seems to be discreetly annoyed, when the saints praised the potatoes instead of the fillings. I am damn evil and cheap. Although i am notoriously happy but I tried to be nice and insisted my cousin to take all the credits. After the dinner, he shared things that i could hardly encounters here, maybe not in the next 10 years. Probably a talk with my cute and naive cousin would be very helpful for me.
FYI, he is getting citizenship next year. and continues his 3rd master program. 
Planned to continue my 'day' with Edith and her bunch of friend for a  karaoke session, but with my sore throat after the 2 consecutive nights of staying out. I called her, to tell her i am not feeling well. She is extremely pleasant during the conversation on the phone which didn't lasted for more than 30 seconds. Probably i 

Will be going for a CNY eve house party tomorrow.
I am tired, good night.

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