Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cash Cow@UK

After being robbed last month, I am so happy to see police wondering around my residential area lately, I feel so safe and protected.
But of course, we know that there's NO free lunch in this world.

This morning, while i am taking my bicycle off my house to library, just before i reach the main road, i was greeted by a policeman with his wonderful smile, and a positive hand gesture. In fact, by the time i approached with quite some speed i could get from my bicycle he blocked my road path and push me hard to stop me from going any further, without a word he started to collect my details & write on his booklet.
I was abit confused, as i don't remember people would get a speed ticket on a bicycle and i don't even have a chance to ask what is he up to until i get the ticket which clearly state my offence on it.

Which was cycling on a public footing!

This is how I am being Milked.
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