Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Success Journal 540: Adventure in KK

6th of June 

Went to Suria for shopping and had our breakfast in Ah Yen restaurant. Catching up with the family 👪. Is a holiday for some reason 

7th of June 

Had a meal at A1 chicken rice, and then I brought Jacob back home to rest and to let my parents catch up with their work. We had dim sum lunch in the new WK. I am in good hands. 

We then went grocery shopping in the city mall. Took a bit of footage. Mum bought crabs and fish for dinner 

8th of June 

We had our light breakfast in imago. Dad seems to be busy with his church work. There is an incoming 1.5m fund coming in for the land sales, which were bought for 2m. We had breakfast in the Imago food court. Continue our catching-up session. There are so many things to talk about. 

Tonight will be celebrating Shaun's birthday as he will be leaving for Singapore tomorrow morning. Initially, we booked an excellent place for a meal, but dad didn't feel well, and mum went kit to buy a hovid drink for him. We ended up having our birthday dinner at a nearby Japanese restaurant. We bought durian cake from Mrs Leong. Took a family portrait. 

9th of June 

Had our breakfast in KK Beaufort restaurant. Sort out some of my banking stuff and dental. Took out my upper left wisdom tooth. Very happy with the procedure and am relatively painless after. Well done to Dr Melody and the team in Dr Elaine. 

10th of June 

Had a meal with Uncle John and his wife in Mayflower. They wanted to buy me dinner. We had a good conversation.  Aunty Jo took care of Jacob at home. We did some takeaway for her. 

11th of June 

Had a meal in aki such in 333. We bought some beer and sunflower seeds home to eat and catch up. Seems like we could chat a lot more from there. 

12th of June 

We visited fuyuen and also a pharmacist recommended by Josephine. She was really good and taught us on the application. 

We made a day trip to Tambunan. It was rather chilly and relaxing. Had dinner meal with Uncle Guan and Uncle John in Delicious curry house. I had a good conversation with them. Shaun returned from Singapore bringing back goodies. We continue our beer and sunflower seeds sessions. 

13th of June 

Fly day back to Singapore. Doreen came to our house and followed us to the airport. After our check-in. We had our usual McDonald's. Flying solo with Jacob. He slept through the flight, so it wasn't too bad. Touched down Singapore. Went home and fetched Jayden from tuition class, and we had a brief catch-up session in McDonald's. He has grown quite a lot. We spent the night together. Love it. 

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