Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Success journal 545: The economy is fighting inflation by raising rates. Seems like stagflation is coming

 I worked till 9pm yesterday, took a taxi home which cost me around $8. Got a discount from grab. Reached home. It was requested by my boss and I had to stay back while he went back to spend time with his family. Can't say anything about it but maybe that is the benefit of being a superior. You will have the flexibility of going back early. 

Didn't bother to eat my dinner. Took a shower and prepare to sleep. 

Jenny was watching her TV and we connected while she share with me about her work stuff at work. It makes me wonder why do we keep poor performers in our team. 

After our sharing we turned off the light and went to bed. 

Woke up around 0635. Jacob pooed, i took shower in the guest toilet so Jenny can use the master bedroom toilet. She is going to work today and she will be waking up around 0645hrs. 

Everyone in the house is awake by 0645hrs, and I got my self ready for work around 0652hrs. Took my supplement but I forgot my rebounding today. Get to spend a few minutes with every family member. 

Left the house around 0701hrs, walked to United square bus stop and hopped on the bus 851 to work in AMK town garden West. The bus ride is about 20mins. 

I read about ray dalio article about the cost of fighting inflation. Stagflation. It was a great article saying what the central bank had done by raising interest rates and reducing people's spending. What he said make sense and seems like it is by reducing people buying power so less people can afford things so the chicken will not be as expensive. 

Living in Singapore has been relatively lucky because our earning power has been preserved over the years. Comparing to other countries. What I should be doing? How do I leverage from this article? To further study about stagflation. 

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